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by Harley Howard

Scripture: I TIMOTHY 5:1-17, TITUS 2:1-25
This content is part of a series.

Qualifications of a sound Congregation
Dr. Harley Howard
Titus 2
I Timothy 5

In our study of the qualifications of sound pastoral leadership, we emphasized
the need for qualified leadership. As there is a need for qualified leadership in the
church we need to address the issue of what qualities are seen in a sound
congregation. What are some of the marks of a healthy, growing church body?
There are two clear passages that address this issue of what constitutes a sound
congregation, Titus, chapter 2 and First Timothy, chapter 5. The bulk of our study
will be in Titus, chapter 2.

Titus 2:1-8

1 But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:

A sound congregation begins with sound doctrine. If the doctrine is wrong, if it is
not biblical, if it is not the priority of the gathering of the church as taught in any
serious study of the New Testament books concerning church doctrine, then the
congregation will never be what God wants it to be, it will not be sound. The word
sound means, healthy, true, uncorrupted teaching. The congregation will grow
only if it embraces the truth. Otherwise, it will never be a healthy, sound church.
Paul tells Titus to keep speaking these truths. This means that one of the
functions of biblical leadership is to continually teach sound doctrine and to urge
all of you to a continued course of growth in that doctrine. Now he begins to tell
Titus what the sound doctrine is.

2 That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in

The application of this sound doctrine will be revealed in the relationships that we
have towards one another. The church is not an organization thought it has
organization. Rather, the church is a family, described in the next few verses.
Many pastors and hierarchies that run them treat the church as some sort of
business. Members are never told the truth that the church body is a loving family
of older and younger m ...

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