by Steve Jones
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:9, Luke 7:22
This content is part of a series.
Title: Faith Egg (1 of 4)
Series: Easter Eggs
Author: Steve Jones
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:9, Luke 7:22
SERMON SUMMARY: The historical fact of Jesus' resurrection bolsters our faith.
1) Jesus was real and was really crucified.
2) Jesus' tomb was empty.
3) Jesus' Apostles believed he had arisen.
4) Jesus' church was born.
Introduction: In a film or TV series, the writers will sometimes scatter hidden details throughout the story for diehard fans of the franchise. These hidden details add a sense of excitement and discovery for the audience. They are called what? "Easter Eggs."
The term "Easter egg" was coined by former Atari software development director, Steve Wright over forty years ago. The idea came about as Wright sought to describe a hidden signature programmer Warren Robinett had snuck into the videogame Adventure 1979. His piece of code displayed the words "created by Warren Robinett" when players positioned themselves over a specific pixel known as "The Gray Dot". Atari only realized what had happened a year later in 1980 and by that time it was too costly to rewrite the program and delete the hidden message. Upon Wright's advice, they decided to leave hidden references inside all their games instead. And they named these little intrigues "Easter eggs". The term became such a powerful idea that the practice of leaving hidden messages spread.
In this sermon series, I want us to enjoy four "Easter Eggs" related to the account of Jesus' resurrection. These are four messages tucked away in this one event that have the power to surprise and delight those who discover them.
"God did not reveal this mystery to previous generations, but now by his Spirit he has revealed it to his holy apostles and prophets" Ephesians 3:5. Here come the "Easter Eggs"!
The first one I'll call, the "Faith Egg."
The resurrection of Jesus Christ has APOLOGETIC value. What does that mean? "Apologetics" is the defense of the faith. Apologeti ...
Series: Easter Eggs
Author: Steve Jones
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:9, Luke 7:22
SERMON SUMMARY: The historical fact of Jesus' resurrection bolsters our faith.
1) Jesus was real and was really crucified.
2) Jesus' tomb was empty.
3) Jesus' Apostles believed he had arisen.
4) Jesus' church was born.
Introduction: In a film or TV series, the writers will sometimes scatter hidden details throughout the story for diehard fans of the franchise. These hidden details add a sense of excitement and discovery for the audience. They are called what? "Easter Eggs."
The term "Easter egg" was coined by former Atari software development director, Steve Wright over forty years ago. The idea came about as Wright sought to describe a hidden signature programmer Warren Robinett had snuck into the videogame Adventure 1979. His piece of code displayed the words "created by Warren Robinett" when players positioned themselves over a specific pixel known as "The Gray Dot". Atari only realized what had happened a year later in 1980 and by that time it was too costly to rewrite the program and delete the hidden message. Upon Wright's advice, they decided to leave hidden references inside all their games instead. And they named these little intrigues "Easter eggs". The term became such a powerful idea that the practice of leaving hidden messages spread.
In this sermon series, I want us to enjoy four "Easter Eggs" related to the account of Jesus' resurrection. These are four messages tucked away in this one event that have the power to surprise and delight those who discover them.
"God did not reveal this mystery to previous generations, but now by his Spirit he has revealed it to his holy apostles and prophets" Ephesians 3:5. Here come the "Easter Eggs"!
The first one I'll call, the "Faith Egg."
The resurrection of Jesus Christ has APOLOGETIC value. What does that mean? "Apologetics" is the defense of the faith. Apologeti ...
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