Scripture: Matthew 6:1-4
This content is part of a series.
Title: The Heart that Honors God (8 of 8)
Series: Kingdom Culture
Author: Jordan Easley
Matthew 6:1-4
***set up 2 chairs on the stage. Label them OLD & NEW.
On the stage today, you see two chairs-one is labeled OLD and the other, NEW. Now, we could have labeled these chairs many things... Old life/New life. Old nature/New Nature. Old Kingdom/New Kingdom... but for the sake of simplicity, I'm just going to call them OLD and NEW.
Every person on the earth knows what it's like to sit in the OLD chair. This chair symbolizes our OLD SELF... our ORIGINAL SELF... the life of a SINNER. The Bible says [in Psalm 51:5] Indeed, I was guilty when I was born; I was sinful when my mother conceived me.
So, understand-when I say, "You know what it's like to sit in the OLD chair," that's not an insult... it's a fact. We were all born into sin. We were born into an OLD nature... in a WORLDLY culture... (and the truth is... some of you are still sitting here today). And I want you to hear this... as long as you remain in this chair, your actions and desires will be shaped and determined by society's expectations.
In this chair we strive for personal success, and wealth, and comfort, and status.
In this chair, we're driven by self-interest and the desire for recognition.
In this chair, we engage in activities that prioritize personal gain, and the applause of others... and sometimes that's even at the expense of others.
In this chair-we are the King of the Universe... and we live to build ourselves up... and to prop our name up... [that's the OLD chair]
The NEW chair is quite the opposite. Where the OLD chair represents 'following the world's way,' the NEW chair represents, 'following Jesus.' Over there (in the OLD chair) a person is focused on all the wrong things because their heart is still defined by sin... Over here (in the NEW chair) everything is different... our focus is different... and the reason is... our heart is no longer def ...
Series: Kingdom Culture
Author: Jordan Easley
Matthew 6:1-4
***set up 2 chairs on the stage. Label them OLD & NEW.
On the stage today, you see two chairs-one is labeled OLD and the other, NEW. Now, we could have labeled these chairs many things... Old life/New life. Old nature/New Nature. Old Kingdom/New Kingdom... but for the sake of simplicity, I'm just going to call them OLD and NEW.
Every person on the earth knows what it's like to sit in the OLD chair. This chair symbolizes our OLD SELF... our ORIGINAL SELF... the life of a SINNER. The Bible says [in Psalm 51:5] Indeed, I was guilty when I was born; I was sinful when my mother conceived me.
So, understand-when I say, "You know what it's like to sit in the OLD chair," that's not an insult... it's a fact. We were all born into sin. We were born into an OLD nature... in a WORLDLY culture... (and the truth is... some of you are still sitting here today). And I want you to hear this... as long as you remain in this chair, your actions and desires will be shaped and determined by society's expectations.
In this chair we strive for personal success, and wealth, and comfort, and status.
In this chair, we're driven by self-interest and the desire for recognition.
In this chair, we engage in activities that prioritize personal gain, and the applause of others... and sometimes that's even at the expense of others.
In this chair-we are the King of the Universe... and we live to build ourselves up... and to prop our name up... [that's the OLD chair]
The NEW chair is quite the opposite. Where the OLD chair represents 'following the world's way,' the NEW chair represents, 'following Jesus.' Over there (in the OLD chair) a person is focused on all the wrong things because their heart is still defined by sin... Over here (in the NEW chair) everything is different... our focus is different... and the reason is... our heart is no longer def ...
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