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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Matthew 5:38-42
This content is part of a series.

Title: Beyond the Bare Minimum; Living the Second Mile Life (6 of 8)
Series: Kingdom Culture
Author: Jordan Easley
Test: Matt. 5:38-42

There's as big difference between BECOMING a Christian... and BEING a Christian. Becoming a Christian happens in a moment-a moment when you place your faith in Jesus Christ, ask for His forgiveness, accept His grace, receive his salvation, and are born again. That kind of moment is a beautiful beginning... but it's just that-a beginning.

BEING a Christian is more than a spiritual moment... it's a lifelong journey. It's a daily commitment to live differently, to love radically, and to follow Christ completely. That's the message Jesus was communicating in [Matthew 5] as He preached the Sermon on the Mount.

He was preaching to people who were following Him (with their feet)... they were claiming to believe in Him (in their hearts)... but Jesus told them, 'Following me isn't like following other Rabbi's. When I talk about the Kingdom of God, I'm not talking about another religion or another set of rules.'

He told them, 'If you follow me and become one of my disciples-then I expect you to be... the salt of the earth... and the light of the world. I expect your life to make a real difference for My Kingdom.' He said, 'I've called you out of this culture and I've called you into my Kingdom Culture... and when you surrender to my standard... your life will be set apart for my purpose.'

When your life is set apart (by Jesus), your life will be lived differently (because of Jesus). Jesus didn't just call us to BELIEVE in Him; He called us to be LIKE Him. That means choosing grace over revenge... generosity over selfishness... and humility over pride. He's called us to live a counter-cultural life... that doesn't resemble... or even make sense to this world.

In today's passage [Matt. 5:38-42], Jesus is going to challenge us to a standard that goes against everything our flesh desires. He's going to tell us ...

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