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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Matthew 5:33-37
This content is part of a series.

Title: Kingdom People Tell the Truth (5 of 8)
Series: Kingdom Culture
Author: Jordan Easley
Text: Matt. 5:33-37

When I was a little boy (way back in the 1900's)... if you cursed or talked back to a teacher, it was a common practice to have your mouth washed out with soap. Remember those days? Some of you probably had parents or grandparents, where... if you misbehaved, you'd have to go 'get a switch' off the tree. Anybody? At school, if you were a disruption in class, you'd have to write sentences on the board... or you'd get licks in the hallway. I have vivid memories of both. Things were different back then.

This week I was thinking back to some of those childhood 'shaping' moments in my life... and I remembered a day when I got caught lying to my teacher. Now, here's how it worked back then. My teacher caught me. Then she whooped me. Then she called my parents. In our house we had a rule: If you get licks at school, you get licks at home. So that's what happened. When my dad got home, he spanked me... then he hugged me... and told me that he loved me. Then he told me a story (that I bet some of you heard when you were growing up). The story was called: "The boy who cried wolf."

Now, if you've never heard it, this is how it goes: There was a young boy who cried, "WOLF!" in the middle of town, just for fun. At first, the people believed him, but after he cried "WOLF" several times, and there was no wolf... sooner or later, they learned to ignore him. But then, one day a real wolf came into town... and this boy cried "WOLF" at the top of his lungs, but by then... no one looked at him or paid him any attention, and because of that... the village suffered great loss that day.

Here's what that story taught me as a young man. Words carry a lot of weight. Would you agree? That truth goes all the way back to Biblical times. [As we open God's word to Matthew 5 today, I want you to understand that....]

In Jesus' day-the religio ...

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