Scripture: Matthew 5:21-26
This content is part of a series.
Title: Murder Conviction (3 of 8)
Series: Kingdom Culture
Author: Jordan Easley
Text: Matt. 5:21-26
We are walking through a series of messages that I'm calling "Kingdom Culture." These messages are based on (what many people call) the greatest sermon Jesus ever preached-The Sermon on the Mount. [Matthew 5]
So far in this series, we've seen Jesus lay the foundational groundwork for what life should look like, for those of us who follow Christ. He tells us we've been called out of this culture (the culture of the world) and we've been called into a new culture (His Kingdom culture) which means, our lives should be lived differently today, because of what Christ has done in us and through us.
So far in this message, Jesus has been very general in his comments-He's said to us: we're to be salt... and we're to be light... and we should pursue a new kind of righteousness, not by the law, but by grace.
But now, as we continue reading in the text... we see Jesus go from being very general is his commentary... to now being very specific. In fact, over the next several weeks, we'll be walking through 6 critical areas where Jesus points directly at our heart... which represents the 'roots' of who we are... and we're going to hear him say, 'the roots of your life... are far more important that the perceived 'fruits' of your life.'
And He'll explain what he means by that... by talking about things like: adultery and divorce... honesty and revenge... We'll also hear Jesus talk about loving your enemies... but before we get there... (I want you to notice) ...the very first thing Jesus mentions in this sermon... is on the subject of MURDER.
When you hear the word, 'murder' what's the first thing that pops into your mind? ...I think about OJ. Anybody else? I think about Johnny Cochran and the white ford bronco and the slowest police chase in the history of the world... That's what I think about, when I hear this word. OJ running away.
Try ...
Series: Kingdom Culture
Author: Jordan Easley
Text: Matt. 5:21-26
We are walking through a series of messages that I'm calling "Kingdom Culture." These messages are based on (what many people call) the greatest sermon Jesus ever preached-The Sermon on the Mount. [Matthew 5]
So far in this series, we've seen Jesus lay the foundational groundwork for what life should look like, for those of us who follow Christ. He tells us we've been called out of this culture (the culture of the world) and we've been called into a new culture (His Kingdom culture) which means, our lives should be lived differently today, because of what Christ has done in us and through us.
So far in this message, Jesus has been very general in his comments-He's said to us: we're to be salt... and we're to be light... and we should pursue a new kind of righteousness, not by the law, but by grace.
But now, as we continue reading in the text... we see Jesus go from being very general is his commentary... to now being very specific. In fact, over the next several weeks, we'll be walking through 6 critical areas where Jesus points directly at our heart... which represents the 'roots' of who we are... and we're going to hear him say, 'the roots of your life... are far more important that the perceived 'fruits' of your life.'
And He'll explain what he means by that... by talking about things like: adultery and divorce... honesty and revenge... We'll also hear Jesus talk about loving your enemies... but before we get there... (I want you to notice) ...the very first thing Jesus mentions in this sermon... is on the subject of MURDER.
When you hear the word, 'murder' what's the first thing that pops into your mind? ...I think about OJ. Anybody else? I think about Johnny Cochran and the white ford bronco and the slowest police chase in the history of the world... That's what I think about, when I hear this word. OJ running away.
Try ...
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