Scripture: Matthew 5:17-20
This content is part of a series.
Title: Righteousness that God Requires (2 of 8)
Series: Kingdom Culture
Author: Jordan Easley
Text: Matthew 5:17-20
[Recap Salt and Light]. In the sermon on the mount... Jesus was teaching his disciples on a hillside, and He told them...
[5:13] "You are the salt of the world"-As followers of Christ-we've been called out of the culture of this world and into a Kingdom Culture... and now, our lives should preserve the holiness of God and the goodness of Jesus... while we are still here, in this rotting and decaying world. We said last week-Salt makes zero impact when it remains in the shaker. And in the same way-until we decide to fulfill our purpose and to live the life God calls us to live, we will make zero impact for the Kingdom of God.
[5:14] "You are the light of the world"-Jesus is the sun. You are the moon. Jesus came to reveal God. Your job as a believer is to reflect God.
When you live your life as a bright and salty disciple... you may be salt for your neighborhood... or light for your community... but the truth is, when you obey the Lord and live your life for Jesus Christ... your life can literally make an impact in this world! Do you believe that? I do! But if that's going to happen... we can't conform to this culture and get too comfortable here...
I heard a story about a duck who broke his wing during the flight home for the winter. A sympathetic farmer retrieved the duck and brought it back home... and the farmer's children adopted the duck as their personal pet and began to feed him from the table and treat him like a puppy.
By the next fall, the children were heartbroken as they watched the duck look up to the sky... at all the other ducks who were flying south for the winter... but his wing still wasn't strong enough for the flight. Every time a flock would fly south; the duck would gaze into the clouds... and then finally return to playing with the kids.
Well, the next year, the duck's wing had grown mu ...
Series: Kingdom Culture
Author: Jordan Easley
Text: Matthew 5:17-20
[Recap Salt and Light]. In the sermon on the mount... Jesus was teaching his disciples on a hillside, and He told them...
[5:13] "You are the salt of the world"-As followers of Christ-we've been called out of the culture of this world and into a Kingdom Culture... and now, our lives should preserve the holiness of God and the goodness of Jesus... while we are still here, in this rotting and decaying world. We said last week-Salt makes zero impact when it remains in the shaker. And in the same way-until we decide to fulfill our purpose and to live the life God calls us to live, we will make zero impact for the Kingdom of God.
[5:14] "You are the light of the world"-Jesus is the sun. You are the moon. Jesus came to reveal God. Your job as a believer is to reflect God.
When you live your life as a bright and salty disciple... you may be salt for your neighborhood... or light for your community... but the truth is, when you obey the Lord and live your life for Jesus Christ... your life can literally make an impact in this world! Do you believe that? I do! But if that's going to happen... we can't conform to this culture and get too comfortable here...
I heard a story about a duck who broke his wing during the flight home for the winter. A sympathetic farmer retrieved the duck and brought it back home... and the farmer's children adopted the duck as their personal pet and began to feed him from the table and treat him like a puppy.
By the next fall, the children were heartbroken as they watched the duck look up to the sky... at all the other ducks who were flying south for the winter... but his wing still wasn't strong enough for the flight. Every time a flock would fly south; the duck would gaze into the clouds... and then finally return to playing with the kids.
Well, the next year, the duck's wing had grown mu ...
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