Title: Showing God's Grace (6 of 7)
Series: Our Man in Crete
Author: Brad Whitt
Text: Titus 3:1-8
We will continue our study of Titus this evening, beginning in Chapter Three, Verse One. I want us to learn what Paul has to teach his preacher boy, Titus, about showing God's grace.
Speaking of grace, I heard about a guy who woke up one morning after getting promoted. As a result of his promotion, he'd gotten a raise and a bonus, and things were really good. After twenty years of shaving himself every morning, he decided to go to the barbershop to get a professional shave. He went to the local barbershop, where the barber was also the local pastor. He walked into the barbershop, and the pastor/barber was out on a call. Well, the pastor's wife was there, and he said, "Hey, I'd like to get a shave."
She said, "Well, my husband, the pastor, the barber, is gone, but I'd be glad to give you a shave."
He said, "Okay, how much would that shave cost me?"
She answered, "It'll cost you $20."
"Wow," he said. "That's a little steep for a shave, but you know what, I'm splurging today. I got a promotion and a bonus. And so yeah, let's get her done."
So, she lathered that fella up and pulled out a straight razor.
Have you ever seen a straight razor? Have you ever had a shave with someone using a straight razor? Weren't y'all scared to do that? I mean, one slight cough and you're in eternity. Amen.
Anyway, she lathered him up, and she shaved him. Then she put a hot towel on his face. He felt great! He paid her and walked out the door.
Over the next several days, he noticed he had no stubble. A week later, there was still no stubble. Two weeks later, his face was as smooth as a baby's bottom. Three weeks later, he still did not even have a three-o'clock shadow. So, finally, he went to the barbershop, and he saw the pastor's wife again. He said, "You know, Ms. Grace, when I paid that $20, I thought it ...
Series: Our Man in Crete
Author: Brad Whitt
Text: Titus 3:1-8
We will continue our study of Titus this evening, beginning in Chapter Three, Verse One. I want us to learn what Paul has to teach his preacher boy, Titus, about showing God's grace.
Speaking of grace, I heard about a guy who woke up one morning after getting promoted. As a result of his promotion, he'd gotten a raise and a bonus, and things were really good. After twenty years of shaving himself every morning, he decided to go to the barbershop to get a professional shave. He went to the local barbershop, where the barber was also the local pastor. He walked into the barbershop, and the pastor/barber was out on a call. Well, the pastor's wife was there, and he said, "Hey, I'd like to get a shave."
She said, "Well, my husband, the pastor, the barber, is gone, but I'd be glad to give you a shave."
He said, "Okay, how much would that shave cost me?"
She answered, "It'll cost you $20."
"Wow," he said. "That's a little steep for a shave, but you know what, I'm splurging today. I got a promotion and a bonus. And so yeah, let's get her done."
So, she lathered that fella up and pulled out a straight razor.
Have you ever seen a straight razor? Have you ever had a shave with someone using a straight razor? Weren't y'all scared to do that? I mean, one slight cough and you're in eternity. Amen.
Anyway, she lathered him up, and she shaved him. Then she put a hot towel on his face. He felt great! He paid her and walked out the door.
Over the next several days, he noticed he had no stubble. A week later, there was still no stubble. Two weeks later, his face was as smooth as a baby's bottom. Three weeks later, he still did not even have a three-o'clock shadow. So, finally, he went to the barbershop, and he saw the pastor's wife again. He said, "You know, Ms. Grace, when I paid that $20, I thought it ...
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