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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Mark 14:3-9
This content is part of a series.

Title: Bethany, The Place of Devotion ( 1 of 5)
Series: Five Places in the Easter Story
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Mark 14:3-9

I - The Place Depicted (3a)

II - The Passion Displayed (3b)

III - The Pilferer Disapproved (4 - 5)

IV - The Praise Distributed (6 - 8)

V - The Promise Declared (9)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

In this sermon series, we will look at five places involved in the Easter story, beginning with Bethany, then we will move on to Gethsemane, before moving onto Mount Calvary, then the Tomb, before ending on Mount Olivet, as we witness the Ascension of the Lord.

- Bethany "The Place of Devotion"

- Gethsemane "The Place of Supplication"

- Mount Calvary "The Place of Crucifixion"

- The Tomb "The Place of Resurrection"

- Mount Olivet "The Place of Ascension"

Sarah's Vase

Pediatrician David Cerqueira tells the story of a little second grade girl in his wife's Sunday school class. Sarah's parents were new to town, and she was just getting to know her classmates at church. She was full of energy and beaming with naughtiness. His wife had prepared a lesson on being useful and told the children that everyone can be useful in serving God. There was a short moment of silence, and a little girl named Sarah spoke up, "Teacher, what can I do," she said. "I don't know how to do many useful things."

Mrs. Cerqueira had not anticipated that kind of response, but she quickly looked around and spotted an empty flower vase on the windowsill. "Sarah," she said, "you can bring in a flower and put it in the vase. That would be a useful thing."

Sarah frowned, "But that's not important."

"It is," my wife said, "if you are helping someone."

Sure enough, the next Sunday, Sarah brought in a dandelion and placed it in the vase. In fact, she continued to do so each week. Without reminders or help, she made sure the vase was filled with a bright yellow flower, Sunday after ...

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