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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Romans 11:34-36
This content is part of a series.

Title: To God Alone Be the Glory (5)
Series: The Five Solas
Author: Josh Malone
Text: Rom. 11:33-36

- Today we conclude our series on the 5 Solas the Reformation. The final Sola is Solus Deo Gloria. To the Glory of God alone.

- The SCRIPTURES teach we are saved by GRACE alone, through FAITH alone, in CHRIST alone, to the GLORY OF GOD alone.

ILLUS. - Framed here is a page from an early copy (1500s) of John Calvin's commentary on the Psalms. It's of Psalm 95 and 96. - Calvin of course was one of the reformers. He teachings are still influential today. One of the keys to the reformation was the MOVEABLE PRINTING PRESS. God used the invention of the Guttenberg Printing Press to make the Bible and Bible teachings, and commentaries like this more accessible. Even today we benefit from technology in spreading and sharing the Gospel. - On this piece of paper you can see 3 languages. The Hebrew text, the Latin, and French. As it was told me, it's like a little piece of the reformation. This sheet of paper is over 400 years old years old and hangs in my office.

- God uses people and technology ... for His own glory.

- God does what He does ... for His glory, not ours. For His praise not ours. - Salvation is such that it brings glory to God alone. We can't take credit, it's not our work. It's God's work, God's gift to us, and God gets the glory.

- In salvation we ourselves are restored to the purpose God created us for. Though we have fallen short of God's glory (Rom. 3:23), we are saved for His glory, that we might live for His glory.

- In Romans 9-11 Paul deals with the salvation of Jews and Gentiles.

- In chapter 11 we can see God's plan involved the salvation of Jews and Gentiles, that His people are marked by persevering faith in Christ, and that God's salvation plan should evoke worship from His people. Ultimately, in Grace and for His glory ... God's plan involved showing mercy to both Jew and Gentile.

- As Paul contemplates all of thi ...

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