Title: More to the Eye
Author: Christopher Harbin
Text: Luke 9:28-36
I've been reading the gospel accounts of Jesus for half a century. There's not much in them I could not quote you. I still struggle to grasp some of the weightier concepts and apply them to my daily living. The disciples had it much harder, as the majority of what Jesus was teaching them was new. They were exposed to different aspects of Jesus and Jesus' message daily. Their three years together shows progress, even as their struggle to grasp what Jesus was about went right up to the very end of their time with him. How well we know the one we follow impacts how well we are able to follow. There was always more to Jesus than met the eye. How well do we know the one we claim to follow?
Peter had confessed as to Jesus' as Messiah, God's anointed one, God's Son. There were many competing claims as to who Jesus was or his true role. It included Herod's notion Jesus was John the Baptist come back from the dead after he had separated John's head and shoulders. Peter's confession exceeded rampant speculations. When he made his confession and claim, Jesus told them not to spread that understanding around.
Being Yahweh's anointed emissary, the Christ of God, the Son of God, was wholly true. It was not what needed to be proclaimed and understood at that moment. Before understanding Jesus as Yahweh's Messiah, they needed to understand Jesus' character and portrayal ofthe role. Too many expectations skewed their concepts of Messiah. They obscured and detracted from the character of Jesus as Messiah, what he was trying to accomplish, and the means he would embraced to do so.
Over three years, they had heard his Sermon on the Mount expounded. They'd listened to numerous parables. They'd watched him heal, forgive, feed, and reinterpret appropriate application of Torah, Yahweh's instructions. The means and depth of meaning behind the message, however, was not yet appreciated. When Jesus first announ ...
Author: Christopher Harbin
Text: Luke 9:28-36
I've been reading the gospel accounts of Jesus for half a century. There's not much in them I could not quote you. I still struggle to grasp some of the weightier concepts and apply them to my daily living. The disciples had it much harder, as the majority of what Jesus was teaching them was new. They were exposed to different aspects of Jesus and Jesus' message daily. Their three years together shows progress, even as their struggle to grasp what Jesus was about went right up to the very end of their time with him. How well we know the one we follow impacts how well we are able to follow. There was always more to Jesus than met the eye. How well do we know the one we claim to follow?
Peter had confessed as to Jesus' as Messiah, God's anointed one, God's Son. There were many competing claims as to who Jesus was or his true role. It included Herod's notion Jesus was John the Baptist come back from the dead after he had separated John's head and shoulders. Peter's confession exceeded rampant speculations. When he made his confession and claim, Jesus told them not to spread that understanding around.
Being Yahweh's anointed emissary, the Christ of God, the Son of God, was wholly true. It was not what needed to be proclaimed and understood at that moment. Before understanding Jesus as Yahweh's Messiah, they needed to understand Jesus' character and portrayal ofthe role. Too many expectations skewed their concepts of Messiah. They obscured and detracted from the character of Jesus as Messiah, what he was trying to accomplish, and the means he would embraced to do so.
Over three years, they had heard his Sermon on the Mount expounded. They'd listened to numerous parables. They'd watched him heal, forgive, feed, and reinterpret appropriate application of Torah, Yahweh's instructions. The means and depth of meaning behind the message, however, was not yet appreciated. When Jesus first announ ...
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