Title: How to Enjoy Great Friendships!
Author: Marvin Patterson
Text: Proverbs 18:11-24
Rude Man
Over dinner one evening, a wife says to her husband, "I met this horrible and rude man downtown this morning, and right away I knew he was a troublemaker. He started to insult me. He used really bad language. He even threatened me!"
"How did you meet this fellow?" her husband asked, very concerned.
"Well," she says, "we met by accident. I hit him with the car."
Two nuns were driving down a country road when they ran out of gas.
They walked to a farmhouse and a farmer gave them some gasoline, but the only container he had was an old bedpan.
The nuns were happy to take whatever they were offered and returned to their car.
As they were pouring the gasoline from the bedpan into the tank of their car, a minister drove by.
He stopped, rolled down his window and said, "Excuse me, sisters. I'm not of your religion, but I couldn't help admiring your faith....!"
Solomon is writing this passage to Rehoboam, who sadly rejected Solomon's advice and lost his kingdom. Rehoboam, who was the son of Solomon had twelve tribes to rule, but only ruled two of them, because the other ten did not like the way Rehoboam talked to them. If Rehoboam would have put into practice these wonderful friendship principles, he never would have caused a civil war, and he could have continued being the king over all twelve tribes. These principles will help you in your relationships to enjoy many wonderful times together with those around you, as well as with the Lord!
11 The rich man's wealth is his strong city, and as an high wall in his own conceit.
Solomon is saying here that the rich man thinks he is safe and secure with all of his riches but even the highest wall available is not high enough to deal with all of life's uncertainties! The word for "conceit" means,
From the same as H7906; a figure (carved ...
Author: Marvin Patterson
Text: Proverbs 18:11-24
Rude Man
Over dinner one evening, a wife says to her husband, "I met this horrible and rude man downtown this morning, and right away I knew he was a troublemaker. He started to insult me. He used really bad language. He even threatened me!"
"How did you meet this fellow?" her husband asked, very concerned.
"Well," she says, "we met by accident. I hit him with the car."
Two nuns were driving down a country road when they ran out of gas.
They walked to a farmhouse and a farmer gave them some gasoline, but the only container he had was an old bedpan.
The nuns were happy to take whatever they were offered and returned to their car.
As they were pouring the gasoline from the bedpan into the tank of their car, a minister drove by.
He stopped, rolled down his window and said, "Excuse me, sisters. I'm not of your religion, but I couldn't help admiring your faith....!"
Solomon is writing this passage to Rehoboam, who sadly rejected Solomon's advice and lost his kingdom. Rehoboam, who was the son of Solomon had twelve tribes to rule, but only ruled two of them, because the other ten did not like the way Rehoboam talked to them. If Rehoboam would have put into practice these wonderful friendship principles, he never would have caused a civil war, and he could have continued being the king over all twelve tribes. These principles will help you in your relationships to enjoy many wonderful times together with those around you, as well as with the Lord!
11 The rich man's wealth is his strong city, and as an high wall in his own conceit.
Solomon is saying here that the rich man thinks he is safe and secure with all of his riches but even the highest wall available is not high enough to deal with all of life's uncertainties! The word for "conceit" means,
From the same as H7906; a figure (carved ...
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