Title: Keeping the Main Thing, The Main Thing (10 of 24)
Series: Gospel of Luke
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Luke 10:1-42
I - The Seventy Sent (1 - 12)
II - The Seething Sentence (13 - 16)
III - The Servants Straightened-Out (17 - 20)
IV - The Shared Secrets (21 - 24)
V - The Subtle Strategy (25 - 29)
VI - The Samaritan Stuns (30 - 37)
VII - The Sisters Serving (38 - 42)
This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.
The Main Thing
It was nearly 30 years ago that I decided to visit a pastor that I had heard about, his name was David Ray, and the church that he was pastoring had exploded in size and in impact upon the city of Calhoun, Georgia. I called him on the phone and asked him if we could go out to eat for lunch, and he graciously accepted my offer.
We went out to eat later that week and Pastor Ray shared with me his ideology on how to see church growth, which was simple in his terms, he said "Brother Cantrell, all you have to do is Keep the Main Thing, the Main Thing."
I was a bit shocked, but he soon clarified the magnitude of his statement. The premise of his ideology was that no matter what the church did or was involved in, it should be centered around winning souls to Jesus.
The singing should be based on winning souls, along with the preaching along with the Sunday School classes, along with the outreach ministries, if the church was involved in it, then "IT" should be about winning souls.
In time, I was able to test that ideology in a traditional country Baptist church, and we watched as God blessed us beyond what we thought was possible. We saw our church explode in growth, but not due to people switching churches, but by seeing sinners saved, baptized, and bringing in more sinners, a cycle!!!
I - The Seventy Sent (1 - 12)
Previously the Lord sent out the twelve, but now he is sending out 35 groups of teams, with two members per team. As they help prepare the ...
Series: Gospel of Luke
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Luke 10:1-42
I - The Seventy Sent (1 - 12)
II - The Seething Sentence (13 - 16)
III - The Servants Straightened-Out (17 - 20)
IV - The Shared Secrets (21 - 24)
V - The Subtle Strategy (25 - 29)
VI - The Samaritan Stuns (30 - 37)
VII - The Sisters Serving (38 - 42)
This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.
The Main Thing
It was nearly 30 years ago that I decided to visit a pastor that I had heard about, his name was David Ray, and the church that he was pastoring had exploded in size and in impact upon the city of Calhoun, Georgia. I called him on the phone and asked him if we could go out to eat for lunch, and he graciously accepted my offer.
We went out to eat later that week and Pastor Ray shared with me his ideology on how to see church growth, which was simple in his terms, he said "Brother Cantrell, all you have to do is Keep the Main Thing, the Main Thing."
I was a bit shocked, but he soon clarified the magnitude of his statement. The premise of his ideology was that no matter what the church did or was involved in, it should be centered around winning souls to Jesus.
The singing should be based on winning souls, along with the preaching along with the Sunday School classes, along with the outreach ministries, if the church was involved in it, then "IT" should be about winning souls.
In time, I was able to test that ideology in a traditional country Baptist church, and we watched as God blessed us beyond what we thought was possible. We saw our church explode in growth, but not due to people switching churches, but by seeing sinners saved, baptized, and bringing in more sinners, a cycle!!!
I - The Seventy Sent (1 - 12)
Previously the Lord sent out the twelve, but now he is sending out 35 groups of teams, with two members per team. As they help prepare the ...
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