Title: Life's Most Needed Quality - JOY
Seres: Calm In the Chaos
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: 1 John 1:1-10
Jesus came to show us how to live and to give us what we need. To fulfill His heavenly mission, He responded to every event in a way that pleased the Father. When He saw people, He touched them at their greatest need. To the hungry He offered food, to the weary He offered rest, to the hurting He offered help, to the sick He offered healing, and to the lost He offered life. But what He came to give is far greater (deeper, wider, higher and longer) than any of these. That is JOY.
It is in the Upper Room, as recorded by John, that Jesus really lets the cat out of the bag. After reminding the disciples of His undying love in John 15, He says, "I have told you these things so that your JOY may be complete." Then in Chapter 16:20, He follows with, "Truly I tell you; you will weep and morn, but the world will rejoice. You will become sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn to joy."
(SCREEN) Jesus is pointing us toward what we need most in life, "JOY." This is the theme of 1 John.
More than anything else today, we need "JOY in the Journey" if we are to find "Calm in the Chaos." The very reason that I feel spiritually compelled to preach through 1 John is because we need what John is peddling. You see, we live in a fractured, broken, and fallen culture. That has never been more apparent than in recent days. The storms and struggles of our country and culture seem to grow exponentially each day - The question is "How does anyone find calm in this chaos?" (TEXT)
Let's be clear: loving, living like, and embracing the world will never give us internal calm.
Rising above the fray requires a deeper way of life and seeing life, It requires JOY!!
From this first Chapter, please consider what John is inspired to tell us.
1) The Right Focus - John purpose of writing this epistle is given in verse 4. Of everything he feels inspired to convey, having full-c ...
Seres: Calm In the Chaos
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: 1 John 1:1-10
Jesus came to show us how to live and to give us what we need. To fulfill His heavenly mission, He responded to every event in a way that pleased the Father. When He saw people, He touched them at their greatest need. To the hungry He offered food, to the weary He offered rest, to the hurting He offered help, to the sick He offered healing, and to the lost He offered life. But what He came to give is far greater (deeper, wider, higher and longer) than any of these. That is JOY.
It is in the Upper Room, as recorded by John, that Jesus really lets the cat out of the bag. After reminding the disciples of His undying love in John 15, He says, "I have told you these things so that your JOY may be complete." Then in Chapter 16:20, He follows with, "Truly I tell you; you will weep and morn, but the world will rejoice. You will become sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn to joy."
(SCREEN) Jesus is pointing us toward what we need most in life, "JOY." This is the theme of 1 John.
More than anything else today, we need "JOY in the Journey" if we are to find "Calm in the Chaos." The very reason that I feel spiritually compelled to preach through 1 John is because we need what John is peddling. You see, we live in a fractured, broken, and fallen culture. That has never been more apparent than in recent days. The storms and struggles of our country and culture seem to grow exponentially each day - The question is "How does anyone find calm in this chaos?" (TEXT)
Let's be clear: loving, living like, and embracing the world will never give us internal calm.
Rising above the fray requires a deeper way of life and seeing life, It requires JOY!!
From this first Chapter, please consider what John is inspired to tell us.
1) The Right Focus - John purpose of writing this epistle is given in verse 4. Of everything he feels inspired to convey, having full-c ...
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