Title: Successfully Vulnerable
Author: Christopher Harbin
Text: Luke 6:17-26
As Yahshuah began his ministry, he set out the basis of the message he would be expounding and clarifying. He had delivered his manifesto with Yessaiah's words at the very outset, but with a core group of followers around him, he began expanding on that message of redemption focused on the poor, vulnerable and dispossessed. If the message were only reversal for the state of the oppressed, his message would have no significance. Reversal only goes so far, limited only to swapping the positions of all the players. Yahshuah's good news was so much more. This message was a completely new way of living, doing, and being. It redefined the game, rather than rearranging name plates.
In the hills of Peden, Yahshuah found a meadow where he might address the crowd hanging onto his words. There were people from all over, representing all of Catawba, Jasper, and as far away as the coasts of Shoqtaw. Along the journey, he had been healing people with all sorts of ailments, diseases, and conditions both physical and psychiatric. Everyone wanted to touch him, as they recognized there was power in his touch. It was a power that healed them from the inside out. Yahshuah called out to them and began teaching not just his immediate followers, but everyone within earshot.
"Success in Yah's Reign is wholly different than you know. You must redefine it from the perspective of Yah's Reign. The poor and needy are indeed successful. Yah's Reign truly belongs to them. Success means dealing with hunger, for the hungry will be filled by Yah. Success belongs to those who weep and mourn, for Yah brings true laughter into their lives. It is Yah who showers them with true encouragement. Success means being gentle, for it is the gentle to whom the earth will belong. Success means hungering and thirsting after what is just and right, for these are the ones who will be satisfied by Yah. Success comes to the mercif ...
Author: Christopher Harbin
Text: Luke 6:17-26
As Yahshuah began his ministry, he set out the basis of the message he would be expounding and clarifying. He had delivered his manifesto with Yessaiah's words at the very outset, but with a core group of followers around him, he began expanding on that message of redemption focused on the poor, vulnerable and dispossessed. If the message were only reversal for the state of the oppressed, his message would have no significance. Reversal only goes so far, limited only to swapping the positions of all the players. Yahshuah's good news was so much more. This message was a completely new way of living, doing, and being. It redefined the game, rather than rearranging name plates.
In the hills of Peden, Yahshuah found a meadow where he might address the crowd hanging onto his words. There were people from all over, representing all of Catawba, Jasper, and as far away as the coasts of Shoqtaw. Along the journey, he had been healing people with all sorts of ailments, diseases, and conditions both physical and psychiatric. Everyone wanted to touch him, as they recognized there was power in his touch. It was a power that healed them from the inside out. Yahshuah called out to them and began teaching not just his immediate followers, but everyone within earshot.
"Success in Yah's Reign is wholly different than you know. You must redefine it from the perspective of Yah's Reign. The poor and needy are indeed successful. Yah's Reign truly belongs to them. Success means dealing with hunger, for the hungry will be filled by Yah. Success belongs to those who weep and mourn, for Yah brings true laughter into their lives. It is Yah who showers them with true encouragement. Success means being gentle, for it is the gentle to whom the earth will belong. Success means hungering and thirsting after what is just and right, for these are the ones who will be satisfied by Yah. Success comes to the mercif ...
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