by Jeff Schreve
Scripture: Nehemiah 4:1-23
This content is part of a series.
Title: Fear, Faith, and the Fight of Your Life (5)
Series: Strong and Courageous
Author: Jeff Schreve
Text: Nehemiah 4:1-23
Well, many know the name Jim Cymbala. Jim Cymbala became the Pastor of Brooklyn Tabernacle inBrooklyn, New York in 1971. And God has used him in such incredible ways. And that church was really on its last leg. It was just dying, and the Lord revived that church and did such a miracle. Well, as things progressed, and the Lord began to bless at Brooklyn Tabernacle, they were having all these services; four services on a Sunday. They had a Tuesday night prayer meeting that I've had the privilege to go to on a couple of occasions. And the place is just filled up, and God is working, and God is moving. But Jim shares in the first book he wrote, "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire," the testimony of the church. And one of the things he shared was how in the midst of God blessing, his oldest daughter Chrissy began to rebel, and she went off the rails. And he said, "We tried everything to get her to come back, but she just got more and more hardened and wanted to run and wanted to get away from the Lord." And he said, "To make matters worse, my wife, who led the choir, Carol Cymbala, very well-known, had to have a surgery. And she had this surgery, and after surgery she had depression that set in from the surgery. And her chemical balance was off. And the devil really moved in, and he began to say to her these words, as he writes in his book: "Okay, Carol, you have a big choir, and you're making albums and doing outreaches at Radio City Music Hall. Fine! You and your husband can go ahead to reach the world for Christ, but I'm going to have your children. I've already got the first one, and I'm coming after the next two." Carol was stricken with fear. She told her husband Jim, "Jim, we're going to need to leave New York. We're going to need to get out of here." She said, "The atmosphere has already swallowed up our daughter. We can't keep raisi ...
Series: Strong and Courageous
Author: Jeff Schreve
Text: Nehemiah 4:1-23
Well, many know the name Jim Cymbala. Jim Cymbala became the Pastor of Brooklyn Tabernacle inBrooklyn, New York in 1971. And God has used him in such incredible ways. And that church was really on its last leg. It was just dying, and the Lord revived that church and did such a miracle. Well, as things progressed, and the Lord began to bless at Brooklyn Tabernacle, they were having all these services; four services on a Sunday. They had a Tuesday night prayer meeting that I've had the privilege to go to on a couple of occasions. And the place is just filled up, and God is working, and God is moving. But Jim shares in the first book he wrote, "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire," the testimony of the church. And one of the things he shared was how in the midst of God blessing, his oldest daughter Chrissy began to rebel, and she went off the rails. And he said, "We tried everything to get her to come back, but she just got more and more hardened and wanted to run and wanted to get away from the Lord." And he said, "To make matters worse, my wife, who led the choir, Carol Cymbala, very well-known, had to have a surgery. And she had this surgery, and after surgery she had depression that set in from the surgery. And her chemical balance was off. And the devil really moved in, and he began to say to her these words, as he writes in his book: "Okay, Carol, you have a big choir, and you're making albums and doing outreaches at Radio City Music Hall. Fine! You and your husband can go ahead to reach the world for Christ, but I'm going to have your children. I've already got the first one, and I'm coming after the next two." Carol was stricken with fear. She told her husband Jim, "Jim, we're going to need to leave New York. We're going to need to get out of here." She said, "The atmosphere has already swallowed up our daughter. We can't keep raisi ...
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