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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:1-58
This content is part of a series.

Title: Going Up Against Goliath (4)
Series: Strong and Courageous
Author: Jeff Schreve
Text: 1 Samuel 17

If you have your Bible, please turn to First Samuel chapter 17. I want to talk today about "Going Up Against Goliath." First Samuel 17 is the famous, famous passage of Scripture so well known about a kid named David and a giant named Goliath. Now, the Bible says in Second Corinthians chapter 5, verse 7, "For we walk by faith, not by sight."

So, here's the question: Do you personally walk by faith, or do you walk by sight? Do you see a situation, a circumstance, a difficulty, a problem, even a giant-size problem, with the eyes of faith, or do you see it just from a human perspective? You know, the eyes of faith, that's looking at a problem from God's perspective. And when you look at it with the eyes of faith, the greater the problem, the greater the opportunity for God to work a miracle.

Now, we're in a series called "Strong and Courageous" from Joshua 1:9 where the LORD says to Joshua, "Have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous; do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

Now, there is probably not a passage in Scripture where a person was bolder and more courageous than First Samuel 17, because as we read about David and how he walked by faith and not by sight, we're just amazed. This account in the Scripture, this true story that took place so many years ago should well up within us this desire that says, "God, I want to be like that guy, David, and I want to go up against my Goliath."

So, the big question: How can you be victorious over your Goliath? We want to look at four insights from this great passage of Scripture, First Samuel 17, and I encourage you to have your Bible open and follow along because we're going to go through a lot of verses. Sometimes it's hard to get all those on the screen, so you follow along with me as the Bible is there in your lap.

First Samuel 17 says ...

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