Title: Free in Christ
Text: Romans 8:1-4
CIT (Central Idea of the Text):
Paul instructs the Roman believers that they are free from condemnation.
Christians today need to understand the principles of our freedom in Christ Jesus.
Travelers from other countries often notice the abundance of flags and patriotism in America, especially compared to their own nations. One traveler even complained, "Enough already!" questioning why we feel the need to be so patriotic. The answer is simple-we are free, and we cherish and protect that freedom.
As believers in Christ Jesus, we have an even greater freedom in Him. Romans 8:1-4 helps us understand the principles of this great liberation that has transformed our lives.
For the next eight weeks, we will study Romans 8, often called the greatest chapter in the Bible. The renowned preacher James Montgomery Boice preached over 20 sermons on this chapter-we won't take quite that long!
Verses 1-4 contain some of the most powerful truths about the freedom we have in Christ Jesus.
FREEDOM'S DECLARATION - (v. 1) We Are Justified
"Therefore" - This word refers back, not just to the previous passage, but to Romans 1-7. Romans 8 begins with "no condemnation" and ends with "no separation"-this chapter is about our assurance in Christ.
What is condemnation? It is a forensic term that includes both the sentence and the execution of that sentence. In verse 2, Paul refers to the "law of sin and death." Sin has infected all of us. Sin has enslaved all of us. Sin has killed all of us. We stood condemned-lost, estranged from God, in this life and for eternity.
Adrian Rogers once said that the Bible addresses one problem-how can I find forgiveness of sin? The Bible has one villain-Satan. The Bible has one hero-Jesus. The Bible has one great promise-John 3:16: "There is therefore now no condemnation..."
Who is free? "For those who are in Christ Jesus"-all who have placed their faith in Jes ...
Text: Romans 8:1-4
CIT (Central Idea of the Text):
Paul instructs the Roman believers that they are free from condemnation.
Christians today need to understand the principles of our freedom in Christ Jesus.
Travelers from other countries often notice the abundance of flags and patriotism in America, especially compared to their own nations. One traveler even complained, "Enough already!" questioning why we feel the need to be so patriotic. The answer is simple-we are free, and we cherish and protect that freedom.
As believers in Christ Jesus, we have an even greater freedom in Him. Romans 8:1-4 helps us understand the principles of this great liberation that has transformed our lives.
For the next eight weeks, we will study Romans 8, often called the greatest chapter in the Bible. The renowned preacher James Montgomery Boice preached over 20 sermons on this chapter-we won't take quite that long!
Verses 1-4 contain some of the most powerful truths about the freedom we have in Christ Jesus.
FREEDOM'S DECLARATION - (v. 1) We Are Justified
"Therefore" - This word refers back, not just to the previous passage, but to Romans 1-7. Romans 8 begins with "no condemnation" and ends with "no separation"-this chapter is about our assurance in Christ.
What is condemnation? It is a forensic term that includes both the sentence and the execution of that sentence. In verse 2, Paul refers to the "law of sin and death." Sin has infected all of us. Sin has enslaved all of us. Sin has killed all of us. We stood condemned-lost, estranged from God, in this life and for eternity.
Adrian Rogers once said that the Bible addresses one problem-how can I find forgiveness of sin? The Bible has one villain-Satan. The Bible has one hero-Jesus. The Bible has one great promise-John 3:16: "There is therefore now no condemnation..."
Who is free? "For those who are in Christ Jesus"-all who have placed their faith in Jes ...
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