Have You Been Personally Revived?
Jerry N Watts
Acts 3:1-6
The date was February 3, 1970, the city was Wilmore, Kentucky, and the place was Asbury Christian University. The occasion was a routine Chapel service led by the Dean of Students that was scheduled to last 50 minutes. The Dean gave a simple invitation for students to share personal testimonies. In an unexpected turn, the students and faculty began confessing sins, sharing stories of transformation, and engaged in spontaneous worship and prayer. What began as a routine chapel service unexpectedly turned into a continuous, week-long revival of worship, confession, and spiritual renewal, spreading across campuses nationwide. This is regarded as one of the most significant revivals in modern American History influencing the American landscape and beyond.
However, there is always a sad story. One student, known among his peers for his skepticism, sat through several hours of the initial revival gathering. While others openly wept, confessed sins, and experienced deep joy, he described feeling "nothing but indifference." He was given multiple invitations from friends to participate but he dismissed the whole things as emotional fanaticism and left the chapel, preferring to spend his time in the coffeehouse across campus.
Years later, as stories of transformed lives from that revival persisted, the man expressed regret that he had been physically present but spiritually closed off. "I watched history happen and stayed on the sidelines," he lamented. These moments of near-involvement yet personal detachment can be haunting testimonies with devastating result. We used to sing a hymn entitled, "Almost Persuaded".
This past week may not have been this profound or extended, but many of us sensed, felt, and knew that God was working in our hearts and among His people. From God's word today, the question I want to answer is, "How do you know that Were YOU Spiritually Revived this week?" I don't want us to ...
Jerry N Watts
Acts 3:1-6
The date was February 3, 1970, the city was Wilmore, Kentucky, and the place was Asbury Christian University. The occasion was a routine Chapel service led by the Dean of Students that was scheduled to last 50 minutes. The Dean gave a simple invitation for students to share personal testimonies. In an unexpected turn, the students and faculty began confessing sins, sharing stories of transformation, and engaged in spontaneous worship and prayer. What began as a routine chapel service unexpectedly turned into a continuous, week-long revival of worship, confession, and spiritual renewal, spreading across campuses nationwide. This is regarded as one of the most significant revivals in modern American History influencing the American landscape and beyond.
However, there is always a sad story. One student, known among his peers for his skepticism, sat through several hours of the initial revival gathering. While others openly wept, confessed sins, and experienced deep joy, he described feeling "nothing but indifference." He was given multiple invitations from friends to participate but he dismissed the whole things as emotional fanaticism and left the chapel, preferring to spend his time in the coffeehouse across campus.
Years later, as stories of transformed lives from that revival persisted, the man expressed regret that he had been physically present but spiritually closed off. "I watched history happen and stayed on the sidelines," he lamented. These moments of near-involvement yet personal detachment can be haunting testimonies with devastating result. We used to sing a hymn entitled, "Almost Persuaded".
This past week may not have been this profound or extended, but many of us sensed, felt, and knew that God was working in our hearts and among His people. From God's word today, the question I want to answer is, "How do you know that Were YOU Spiritually Revived this week?" I don't want us to ...
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