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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Luke 5:1-39

Title: Change Agent (5 of 25)
Series: The Gospel of Luke
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Luke 5:1-39

I - The Lord's Men "Called" (1 - 11)

II - The Leprous Man "Cured" (12 - 14)

III - The Large Multitudes "Comforted" (15 - 16)

IV - The Liberating Moment "Concerned" (17 - 26)

V - The Lifechanging Mission "Compelled" (27 - 32)

VI - The Looming Misperception "Clarified" (33 - 39)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

An Agent of Change

Nathan Johnson dreamed of starting a revolution for Christ.

"Today through His mighty power and glorious grace, God has brought me back to Him," Johnson wrote in his diary in August 2005. "He has enlightened the eyes of my heart to His will in which He has with no doubt called me.... His will for me is to radically impact my school for Him.

But before he could see the revolution become a reality, Johnson's life was cut short by an automobile accident. Johnson was on his way to football practice at Beech High School in Hendersonville, Tenn., on the morning of July 28 when his Jeep Cherokee drifted across the center line, striking a cement truck almost head-on. He was pronounced dead shortly after a LifeFlight helicopter transported him to the Vanderbilt University Medical Center's emergency room in Nashville.

Despite his early death, friends and family say that God is using the tragedy to make Johnson's dream a reality. Nearly 300 people have professed faith in Christ in the aftermath of Johnson's accident, including more than 30 at his funeral July 31, reported Jeff Lovingood, student minister at Long Hollow Baptist Church where Johnson was active in the youth ministry.

Another 16 teens prayed to receive Christ two nights following the funeral at the Wednesday night youth gathering, with more than 400 in attendance, Lovingood said.

"We're comforted by the fact that even in his death, God is at work," Nathan's father Chris Johnson said. "He really did wan ...

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