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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Luke 1:1-80

Title: The Book, The Boy's, and The Blessings (1 of 24)
Series: The Gospel of Luke
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Luke 1:1-80

I - The Book (1 - 4)

II - The Baptist (5 - 25)

III - The Baby (26 - 38)

IV - The Blessed (39 - 45)

V - The Blesser (46 - 56)

VI - The Boy (57 - 66)

VII - The Benediction (67 - 80)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

Authenticity & Accuracy

Late 1800's/early 1900's Sir William Ramsey was a well-known archaeologist and historian. He was professor of humanities at Aberdeen University. He was considered to be the world's most imminent scholar on Asia-Minor, and it's geography and history.

He read the book of Acts and said, "The book of Acts is a highly imaginative and carefully coloured account of primitive Christianity" (in essence, "of my knowledge of history, I have no respect for Luke as a historian").

Then he went to the Middle East for the express purpose of proving the Bible wrong in its history. He came home and wrote the book, "Luke, the beloved physician" in which he proclaimed Dr. Luke to be one of the worlds foremost historians.

Here's a quote from Sir William Ramsey...this was after looking carefully at the evidence: "I take the view that Luke's history is unsurpassed in its trustworthiness. You may press the words of Luke in a degree beyond any other historian, and they will stand the keenest scrutiny, and the harshest treatment."

The Gospel of Luke is one of the most beautiful and illustrative writings in the bible and gives us stories that are found in none of the other gospels.

I - The Book (1 - 4)

The Gospel of Luke

Author and Time of Writing

The last of the three synoptic gospels does not bear any direct indication as to its author. The name of the recipient though is mentioned straight at the beginning: it is an otherwise unknown well-to-do man called Theophilus.

To this very Theophilus the Acts of the Apostles are d ...

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