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by Christopher Harbin

Scripture: Luke 4:31-37, Luke 6:1-11

Title: Sabbath Lord Known
Author: Christopher Harbin
Text: Luke 4:31-37, 6:1-11

Not long after Yahshuah had preached in Saturn and escaped the rioting crowd converging on him, he and his followers were at a town in Peden on a Sunday. He was teaching at local church. Among those present was a man acting very erratically, pushing the boundaries of sanity, raging in a fit, and seeming lost to reality. Many considered something wrong with him spiritually, being influenced and controlled by evil spirits. He approached Yahshuah, interrupting the proceedings, crying out, "Leave us alone! What are you trying to do with us here, Yahshuah of Saturn? Are you here to destroy us all? I know you! You are Yah's Holy One!"

Yahshuah turned to the man, saying, "Be quiet and release him!" The man suddenly fell down as though having a seizure. He convulsed a couple of times and immediately came to his senses, having suffered no harm nor any apparent effects from the seizure. He got back to his feet with no need that any assist him, and quietly took a seat, obviously confused, but composed and in his right mind.

The congregation did not know what to make of this. They began murmuring and buzzing with comments and questions over what they had just seen and heard. It made no sense to them. Many who had not believed in the existence of demons or evil spirits had a sudden change of heart. Others claimed they had witnessed a miracle of psychiatric healing. Others were simply at a loss to explain what they had witnessed. The consensus questions, however, were, "What did we just see?! How can someone simply utter such a command and it be fulfilled? This is some kind of powerful speech we have never experienced! How does one control whatever was afflicting that man as we just saw?"

Soon, the whole town was abuzz over what had just occurred. The tale was told at dinner tables, in bars, at clubs, and around the water coolers at work. Calls were made and reporters came around to inv ...

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