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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Esther 8:6
This content is part of a series.

Title: Bringing Your Lost Loved Ones to Jesus (4 of 8)
Series: Living Above
Author: Brad Whitt
Text: Esther 8:6

INTRODUCTION: Take your Bibles and turn with me to the Old Testament book of Esther.

We've been in a series of studies on Sunday mornings at Abilene on the victorious Christian life entitled "Living Above." These are lessons for living in victory.

QUOTE: Leonard Ravenhill made a statement that grabbed me, picked me up, and shook me as a young pastor - "Christianity today is so subnormal that if any Christian began to act like a normal New Testament Christian, he would be considered abnormal."
And that's true.

QUOTE: Dr. Rogers said he met a guy one day and said, "How are you doing?" "Ok, under the circumstances." And Dr. Roger smiled and said, "What are you doing under the circumstances?"

- We've not been saved to live under our circumstances.

- We've been saved to live above our circumstances.

- That's why it's called "the victorious Christian life."

So far in our study, we've looked at what the Bible teaches about -

- Living Above What You Undergo

- When you were born again, you were born to win.

- All In for Jesus

- What was said about those first disciples should be true about us - "They forsook all and followed Him..."

- The Power of Meditation

- Meditation roots God's truth in your heart, grows faith, and brings peace.

This morning, I want to take a slightly different approach. I want to see what the Bible teaches about one of the most challenging, troubling, nerve-wracking, but essential things many Christians face: "Bringing Your Lost Loved Ones to Jesus."

QUOTE: David Goetch, "Speaking the Truth in Love to Unbelieving Family Members." "One of the most difficult challenges we face as Christians is building and maintaining relationships with unbelievers. When the unbelievers in question are loved ones, the challenge becomes even more difficult. We cannot do our part to carry out ...

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