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by David Davis

Scripture: Nehemiah 8:1-18
This content is part of a series.

Title: After Revival Comes (8 of 8)
Series: Arise and Build
Author: David Davis
Text: Nehemiah 8

I just returned from a revival in Oklahoma. There was another church in that town that had a sign that dangled un­derneath the larger sign which had been hanging for several years which read, "Revival in Progress!"

Folks, when revival comes, we do not have to hang out a sign to advertise genuine revival! People will know by the way we talk, the way we walk, and the way we act.

Nehemiah 6:15 says, "So the wall was finished..."

Revival had come. What happens when the walls are completed? What are the circumstances in the life of the believer; "after revival comes?" The building was not the focus of attention.

There are some specific signs that always follow genuine revival. We will not need to hang out a sign to advertise them. They will be more apparent to all those around us. I challenge you to examine these principles in light of your personal relationship with Jesus and see if revival has come.


Nehemiah 8:1 - "And all the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street that was before the water gate; and they spoke unto Ezra, the scribe, to bring the book of the law of Moses, which the Lord had commanded to Israel."

Note especially, "And all the saints gathered as one man... " There was unity in the family of God. There was reconciliation with the saints.

This was not so with the Israelites before revival came.

Do you remember their conduct? Some were pes­simistic and complained that the task was too great. (4:10) Later Judah betrayed Nehemiah and reported his action to the enemy. (6:17-19) There was dissension in the camp.

But now the walls were completed and there was unity within the people of God. The spirit of revival brought a new love for each other and all the people gathered as "one man at the square." This is the first characteristic of genuine revival. They are of one ...

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