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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Philippians 4:9
This content is part of a series.

Title: Love People (3 of 4)
Series: Simpler Church
Author: Steve Jones
Text: Philippians 4:9

INTRODUCTION: Here are 9 helpful pointers that are guaranteed to make you the most spiritual Christian in your small group (from the Babylon Bee).

1. Constantly mutter "yes, Lord" when someone else is praying. If you're chewing on food, a loud "Mmmmmmm" of agreement is acceptable.

2. Contradict everything the group leader says.

3. Sprinkle no fewer than 89 usages of the word "just" into your brief prayer.

4. Shout "FIRST!" when you manage to turn to a Bible passage before everyone else.

5. Start every sentence with "the Lord is just leading me to say," and end every sentence with "if the Lord wills it."

Example: "The Lord is just leading me to say, I have to go to the bathroom, if the Lord wills it."

6. Start a heated debate about free will or end times prophecy.

7. If you want to share something completely unrelated to what you're studying, start by saying "This has just really been on my heart lately..."

8. Dog-ear pages and highlight random sections in your Bible so people will think you read it a lot.

9. Offer to clean up afterward and hide your relief when the host says, "No, thanks!"

Those are obviously facetious suggestions. If we did that it would only make our groups more complicated and confusing - the opposite of what we want.

We're in a sermon series entitled "Simple Church." A "Simple Church" is a church designed around a simple strategic process for making disciples. Our process is to love God, love people and serve others.

Today, I want to talk for a few minutes on loving people through small groups.


Philippians 4:9 "The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."

?One of our guiding is to base our practice on the precedents set by the churches that we read about in th ...

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