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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Acts 2:42
This content is part of a series.

Title: Love God (2 of 4)
Series: Simpler Church
Author: Steve Jones
Text: Acts 2:42

Introduction: Years ago, I visited a church in Boston with three preacher friends. When it came time for communion, the leader gave the instructions. This was back when we used communion trays with cups and passed the trays around. In that church, you had people who believed that the communion juice should be FERMENTED and others who believed that it should be non-fermented grape juice. So, they offered both. They offered both in the same tray. The leader explained that the fermented juice would be in the OUTER circle of the tray. And the non-fermented would be on the INNER circle of the tray. Now, either he explained it wrong, or all four of use HEARD it wrong, because all four of us total-abstinence, Christian Church preachers picked the WRONG CUPS. Up until that moment I had been a teetotaler all my life. Ironically, the only time I ever drank hard liquor was in a CHURCH service! Keep it simple Steve, keep it simple.

Last week I introduced this sermon series entitled "Simple Church." We talked about what a simple church is and why we need to be a simple church. A simple church is a congregation designed around a simple, strategic process for making disciples. We said that our process is: "Love God. Love People. Serve Others." "Love God" refers to our Sunday worship. "Love People" refers to our small groups. "Serve Others" refers to our ministry teams.

Today I want to camp out a little bit longer on the "Love God" phase of discipleship. How do our Sunday services advance the discipleship process in our lives? It happens in four primary ways.

Acts 2:42 "All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."

In Sunday Worship we are discipled to be like Christ through:

I. The Apostles' Teaching

We have the apostles' teaching in the written New Testament. On Sundays we exp ...

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