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by Christopher Harbin

Title: Manifesto
Author: Christopher Harbin
Text: Luke 4:14-30

Yahshuah returned to Peden under the steam and anointing authority of God's Breath. Throughout the region, people were talking about him. He became the subject of many an opinion piece, blog article, and social media discussion, not to mention, dinner party conversation. Along his journey, he encountered invitations to stop and speak. He found audiences in open air gatherings, at watering holes, civic events, potluck dinners, and Wednesday night church suppers. Pastors invited him into their various pulpits, knowing his presence would draw a crowd. Chambers of Commerce, Ruritan, Civitan, Rotary, and Lion'sClubs featured him as speaker.

Local media reports included snatches of his words and everyone seemed enthralled with him, though as yet they were not quite sure what to do with him. Newsletters went out online commenting on him from all across the political, social, and religious spectrum with much speculation about his identity, the import of his message, his potential impact on society, and the direction his life would take. Amid this newsy, but uncertain time, he made his way back to Saturn, where he had spent most of his formative years, the hometown boy made good.

First Church called him to their Sunday pulpit, widely advertising his arrival as a home coming celebration. His voice broadcast by media and streamed online, he stood to read from Yessaiyah.

"Hear Yah, the Living God, in our reading of these words: 'Upon me, the Breath of Yah's mouth has come, charging and empowering me to proclaim a fresh message of joy, particularly for the poor. Yahgrants amnesty to the incarcerated, rupturing chains that enslave so many, granting people renewed sight, liberating those under the thumb of the powerful, and proclaiming Yah's prosperity indeed being for all the masses.' The Living Yah speaks yet today. Thanks be to Yah."

There was silence as the whole congregation strained to hear what ...

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