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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: Psalms 139:1-24

Title: The God We Worship
Author: Collin Wimberly
Text: Psalm 139

CIT - David is moved to worship by the greatness and glory of God.

Proposition - God's greatness should move us to profound and reverent worship.


Not long ago I read about a woman who encountered her favorite movie star at her local Ice-cream store. He was filming a movie in the area and had come in for an ice-cream cone. Seeing him there, she felt a lightheaded. He was after all, the most handsome man she had ever seen. He was in line in front of her and turned and smiled at her. She could barely speak to order her treat, fumbling in her purse for her money. She smiled at him as she left the store, breathless and flushed. However, when she walked out, she realized that she had forgotten her ice-cream. She turned to go back in, and he was standing there at the door. Again, she couldn't even talk.
He asked, are you looking for your ice-cream? She nodded. He smiled and said, you put in your purse after you paid for it.

Have you ever been left breathless in someone's presence?

When we worship God, we are in the presence of the greatest person in the universe. The God of Glory. The King of all. We should be left speechless in the presence. But too often, we yawn our way through the service.

Psalm 139 is considered one of the greatest, if not the greatest of the Psalms.

David, with a sense of awe, speaks of the greatness of God. The glory of His person moves David to worship.

The greatness of God should move us to profound and reverent worship. In this Psalm, David describes God as All-knowing, Always present, All-Powerful and a Righteous Judge. He cannot help but worship.


These verses describe God's Omniscience. His complete and total knowledge of all things, past, present, and future.
Is. 46:9-11

"God knows everything. Everything possible, actual, all events, all creatures who have ever existed and ...

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