Title: David and Goliath (3)
Series: Against All Odds
Author: Brian Mills
Text: 1 Samuel 17
We are in a series in our collection of Sermons on David called Against All Odds:
Saul - Saul has a bad case of Partial obedience which we know Partial obedience is still disobedience.
David Chosen - God doesn't choose the most qualified-He chooses the most surrendered."
Through this series, we are presenting 4 challenges to 2025... AGAINST ALL ODDS
1. 3 of the 4 Sundays a month you commit to being in the room here at TWC
2. 5 of the 7 Days a week reading God's word.
3. Sharing JESUS with your ONE this Semester.
4. Moving up in your generosity. Taking the step to be a 10% giver or above in 2025.
Now today is FUN but a lot... I could preach this sermon for 4 weeks. Maybe one day we will just come back and preach a whole series through 1 Samuel 17
58 verses...
Today I want to cover all 58 so we have to get into it...
Some we will read... some I will just catch you up...
- David has been chosen to be King
- Sent back out to be a shepherd.
- While being a shepherd in I Samuel 16 we learn.
[NIV] 14 Now the Spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him
REAL QUICK. If we can do this real quick
I know you say. "I thought once we had the spirit he stays in us"
Yet, in the O.T. The spirit of God never rested on any believer except David and John the baptize until after Pentecost in Acts 2.
Remember Jesus said... Jn 14 "I will give you an advocate in the spirit that will be w/ you forever.
Then once he died and ascended in Act 2 we see the spirit come.
O.T. - Task specific or conditional. N.T. - with us always - New covenant.
Since the spirit had left Saul due to his disobedience.
They send for David to come play the Harp for Saul.
Saul loved him and became an Armor Barrier.
Now David is still in his ...
Series: Against All Odds
Author: Brian Mills
Text: 1 Samuel 17
We are in a series in our collection of Sermons on David called Against All Odds:
Saul - Saul has a bad case of Partial obedience which we know Partial obedience is still disobedience.
David Chosen - God doesn't choose the most qualified-He chooses the most surrendered."
Through this series, we are presenting 4 challenges to 2025... AGAINST ALL ODDS
1. 3 of the 4 Sundays a month you commit to being in the room here at TWC
2. 5 of the 7 Days a week reading God's word.
3. Sharing JESUS with your ONE this Semester.
4. Moving up in your generosity. Taking the step to be a 10% giver or above in 2025.
Now today is FUN but a lot... I could preach this sermon for 4 weeks. Maybe one day we will just come back and preach a whole series through 1 Samuel 17
58 verses...
Today I want to cover all 58 so we have to get into it...
Some we will read... some I will just catch you up...
- David has been chosen to be King
- Sent back out to be a shepherd.
- While being a shepherd in I Samuel 16 we learn.
[NIV] 14 Now the Spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him
REAL QUICK. If we can do this real quick
I know you say. "I thought once we had the spirit he stays in us"
Yet, in the O.T. The spirit of God never rested on any believer except David and John the baptize until after Pentecost in Acts 2.
Remember Jesus said... Jn 14 "I will give you an advocate in the spirit that will be w/ you forever.
Then once he died and ascended in Act 2 we see the spirit come.
O.T. - Task specific or conditional. N.T. - with us always - New covenant.
Since the spirit had left Saul due to his disobedience.
They send for David to come play the Harp for Saul.
Saul loved him and became an Armor Barrier.
Now David is still in his ...
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