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by Christopher Harbin

Scripture: John 2:1-12

Title: Wine of the Party
Author: Christopher Harbin
Text: John 2:1-12

May is a common time for weddings, and this particular May was not so different. The spring school semester was ending and before the warmth of summer came with a vengeance, it was time for feasting and parties in the great outdoors. There was a wedding in Cedar Crest of Peden to which Nicky and Braden, Yahshuah's parents, had been invited. Yahshuah and his retinue of followers had likewise been invited, and they enjoyed a bit of a family reunion at the festivities. This was not quite a destination wedding, but it was a prolonged event with friends and family gathering, eating together, telling stories, dancing, and otherwise celebrating the joining of the happy couple.

There were plenty of stories to tell from the bride' and groom's formative years. There was a lot of catching up to do among friends and family who had not seen each other in some time. The ceremony itself had come to a close and guests were making their way to the sit-down dinner prepared for all to enjoy. There would still be dancing and time for interaction among them, but things had progressed toward the end of the wedding ceremony.

Nicky arose, walking near the waitstaff kitchen and bar storage area, when she heard the noise. Several casks of wine for the reception had burst and were spilling down the drain. Hearing the commotion, she found out what was going on and went quietly to her son. "Yahshuah! The wine for the dinner reception is gone. This is a disaster! There is no plan B, and no way to procure more wine in time, as the meal is about to begin. I need you to do something about it!"

That did not sit too we with Yahshuah, who was a bit put out with her demand. Sure, he was used to respecting and following her directives from childhood. He still held her in high regard. This seemed like stepping way over the bounds of acceptable behavior pushing him into this particular scenario. "Mom, what business is it ...

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