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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: John 14:15-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
This content is part of a series.

Title: Taking Care of the Temple (1 of 3)
Series: Healthy
Author: Jordan Easley
Text: John 14:15-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

You've heard it all week long: New Year-New You!

Every year about this time, people all around the world look to the new year for a fresh start. We say, "This is the year I'm going to... read my Bible, or travel the world, or save more money." We make resolutions in all shapes and sizes... but the most common commitments we make (by far) are typically those related to our health.

I read a poll this week that said...last year, 74% of people that made a new year's resolution - made some kind of commitment related to physical health goals.

This is a season where just about everyone is thinking about losing weight... or working out... and eating right... and the world knows it! There are videos all over the internet, promising 6-pack abs in just 3 weeks... people are promoting popular diets, and pills and shots that lead to guaranteed results... and many people are jumping on the 'get healthy' bandwagon... Why? Because it's a new year... and a new opportunity to get it right.

I read this week that the weight loss industry in America just hit the $160 billion markin 2024... an all-time high... which tells me... More than ever before-our world has a desire to be... HEALTHY. But what exactly does that mean?

Each year, starting on Thanksgiving, I ask the Lord to give me a word for the following year... and this year, that's the word He put on my heart... it's the word "Healthy." And I don't think He gave me that word to primarily say... you need to weigh less and get shredded... physically... I believe God gave me that word because he wants me to be... (He wants us to be) holistically HEALTHY, Biblically.

I was reading in 3rd John one day... and this is how John began his letter to his friend Gaius. He said to him [in 3 John 1:2] "Dear friend, I pray that you are prospering in every way and are in good health, j ...

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