Title: Leaning On Jesus With My Soul (1 of 6)
Series: Learning to Lean
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Luke 19:9
Pro 3:5 KJV - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Pro 3:6 KJV - In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
I - Salvation Bountifully Extended (Romans 5: 8)
II - Salvation Biblically Explained
III - Salvation Beautifully Experienced
This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.
In this sermon series, we will discuss six areas in which we need should be found "Leaning On Jesus."
Learning To Lean On Jesus
John Stallings had been the pastor of a church in Montgomery, Alabama, for a time. Author Lindsay Terry, in his 1990 book, Stories Behind Popular Songs and Hymns, says it was then multiple trials descended on his life. One of his daughters took sick and nearly died, another daughter was seriously injured in a car accident. Also, Pastor Stallings felt it was time to leave his ministry in Montgomery. He moved to Florida, when he began to construct a new home.
In Terry's words, "Things weren't going well." But Stallings determined to trust in the Lord. One day he was sitting in the place where he lived in those days, and the words and music of a simple little chorus came to him.
Learning to lean, learning to lean,
I'm learning to lean on Jesus.
Finding more power than I'd ever dreamed
I'm learning to lean on Jesus.
John Stallings had no idea what an impact that chorus would have.
He shared it in various places where he was booked to preach, and soon it was being sung everywhere. Many were blessed by the reminder to trust in the Lord. Mr. Terry even reports a time when the Lord used the chorus to pull her back from suicide.
A few months later, Stallings wrote a couple of stanzas to go with it, making it a full song. It's been published in Praise! Our Songs and Hymns (Singspiration, 1979), and Favorites Number 9 ...
Series: Learning to Lean
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Luke 19:9
Pro 3:5 KJV - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Pro 3:6 KJV - In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
I - Salvation Bountifully Extended (Romans 5: 8)
II - Salvation Biblically Explained
III - Salvation Beautifully Experienced
This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.
In this sermon series, we will discuss six areas in which we need should be found "Leaning On Jesus."
Learning To Lean On Jesus
John Stallings had been the pastor of a church in Montgomery, Alabama, for a time. Author Lindsay Terry, in his 1990 book, Stories Behind Popular Songs and Hymns, says it was then multiple trials descended on his life. One of his daughters took sick and nearly died, another daughter was seriously injured in a car accident. Also, Pastor Stallings felt it was time to leave his ministry in Montgomery. He moved to Florida, when he began to construct a new home.
In Terry's words, "Things weren't going well." But Stallings determined to trust in the Lord. One day he was sitting in the place where he lived in those days, and the words and music of a simple little chorus came to him.
Learning to lean, learning to lean,
I'm learning to lean on Jesus.
Finding more power than I'd ever dreamed
I'm learning to lean on Jesus.
John Stallings had no idea what an impact that chorus would have.
He shared it in various places where he was booked to preach, and soon it was being sung everywhere. Many were blessed by the reminder to trust in the Lord. Mr. Terry even reports a time when the Lord used the chorus to pull her back from suicide.
A few months later, Stallings wrote a couple of stanzas to go with it, making it a full song. It's been published in Praise! Our Songs and Hymns (Singspiration, 1979), and Favorites Number 9 ...
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