Title: The Look That Kills (13)
Series: Get Used to Different
Author: James Merritt
Text: Matthew 5:27-30
1. You might want to put down on your calendar, April 8, 2024. On that day we will experience something that is very rare in America. There will be a total solar eclipse that will fully block the sun's bright face and will turn day into night for several minutes in our country. From beginning to end, the solar eclipse lasts up to about three hours.
2. Now that is exciting but there is one thing you need to remember - do not look at that solar eclipse with your naked eyes for any length of time because it can cause what is called "eclipse blindness" and burn your retina. The damage can be permanent and it can cause complete, permanent total blindness. It is a look that kills.
3. Jesus told about another look that is even more deadly and it has killed more marriages, relationships and friendships than you can even imagine. It can wreak unbelievable damage on your mind, your heart and your soul and can even have eternal consequences. That look is called "lust."
4. Now lust is something we don't think about hardly at all or we think very casually about it. Take lusting after a child for example. The idea of lusting after another person sexually doesn't really concern us. We think what we do in the privacy of our mind is our own business, doesn't really effect anybody else, and what is the harm?
5. There is a well-known two-word phrase in the advertising industry that is well known and practiced. You have heard it, "Sex sells" and it does. Have you noticed how much advertising is based on creating in us a lust for someone or something? Author and Christian thinker, Peter Kreeft said,
"If lust ceased tomorrow, we would be plunged into the greatest economic depression in history. Remove sex appeal from advertising, advertising from the economy, and the economy from our civilization and what would be left?"
6. Let ...
Series: Get Used to Different
Author: James Merritt
Text: Matthew 5:27-30
1. You might want to put down on your calendar, April 8, 2024. On that day we will experience something that is very rare in America. There will be a total solar eclipse that will fully block the sun's bright face and will turn day into night for several minutes in our country. From beginning to end, the solar eclipse lasts up to about three hours.
2. Now that is exciting but there is one thing you need to remember - do not look at that solar eclipse with your naked eyes for any length of time because it can cause what is called "eclipse blindness" and burn your retina. The damage can be permanent and it can cause complete, permanent total blindness. It is a look that kills.
3. Jesus told about another look that is even more deadly and it has killed more marriages, relationships and friendships than you can even imagine. It can wreak unbelievable damage on your mind, your heart and your soul and can even have eternal consequences. That look is called "lust."
4. Now lust is something we don't think about hardly at all or we think very casually about it. Take lusting after a child for example. The idea of lusting after another person sexually doesn't really concern us. We think what we do in the privacy of our mind is our own business, doesn't really effect anybody else, and what is the harm?
5. There is a well-known two-word phrase in the advertising industry that is well known and practiced. You have heard it, "Sex sells" and it does. Have you noticed how much advertising is based on creating in us a lust for someone or something? Author and Christian thinker, Peter Kreeft said,
"If lust ceased tomorrow, we would be plunged into the greatest economic depression in history. Remove sex appeal from advertising, advertising from the economy, and the economy from our civilization and what would be left?"
6. Let ...
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