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by James Merritt

Scripture: Matthew 5:21-26
This content is part of a series.

Title: It's Murder (12)
Series: Get Used to Different
Author: James Merritt
Text: Matthew 5:21-26


1. It is the first recorded crime in history. It is the first crime mentioned in the Bible. It is the most serious of all crimes. There are forty-one federal crimes that can result in the death penalty and all but two of these involve this crime. The crime I'm referring to is murder. Practically all of us believe that that certainly is a crime deserving of the most severe punishment. If not the death penalty then at least probably a long time in prison and maybe life without parole.

2. Obviously, the vast majority of us go to bed at night thinking of all the things we have ever done well at least we haven't murdered anyone. We aren't afraid of anyone finding something out. We aren't afraid of getting a knock on our door telling us we are under arrest or going to make the FBI Most Wanted list, because we may have done some things we are glad nobody knows about, but we haven't murdered anyone.

3. Well, if what we are about to hear from Jesus is true, I hate to tell you but I'm looking at a bunch of murderers and you are listening to one. We are in a series on the Sermon on the Mount that we are calling "Get Used To Different." Certainly, what Jesus is going to say about murder is radically different from what we think about when it comes to murder. [Turn to page 26 in booklet]

4. We are at the point in this fantastic sermon where Jesus has been pretty general in some things he has been teaching and talking about, but in verse 21 Jesus is going to be very specific. He is going to talk about murder, adultery, divorce, honesty, revenge, and loving your enemies. What we are going to learn is through righteousness or unrighteousness, it is what is on the outside of a person that is primary; it is what is on the inside of the person that counts.

5. You are going to hear a phrase six times over the next several weeks where Jesus i ...

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