Title: The Rule Of Law (11)
Series: Get Used to Different
Author: James Merritt
Text: Matthew 5:17-20
1. In the 9th century the Anglo-Saxon King Alfred the Great did something that no king had ever done before him. He reformed the law of his kingdom and assembled a law code which he grounded on biblical commandments. He declared that this law had to be applied to all persons, rich or poor, friends or enemies, without favor. Even though he didn't say it the principle became clear that no one is above the law. The American Bar Association defines the rule of law this way:
The rule of law is a set of principles, or ideals, for ensuring an orderly and just society... Everyone is treated equally under the law, everyone is held accountable to the same laws, there are clear and fair processes for enforcing laws, there's an independent judiciary, and human rights are guaranteed for all.
2. So to put it succinctly, the rule of law is a political ideal that all citizens and institutions within a country, state or community are accountable to the same laws, including lawmakers and leaders.
3. There is a problem with all laws and it is a problem that we all have with some laws - sometimes and some places where we don't like the law or we don't like to obey it. A great example is the speed limit. You may be one of those goody, goody, two shoes that never breaks a speed limit. I'm frankly one of those sinners that break it every day. I confess I purposely break it with that wonderful invention called cruise control. We are somehow born with this stubborn streak that we don't like even a law telling us what we can or cannot do.
4. I heard a story about a man that got pulled over one day as he was coming home from work for not wearing his seat belt. The policeman said, "Look buddy, I'm going to just give you a warning this time, but you've got to put your seat belt on." The next day at the same time, same place, this man was not wearing a ...
Series: Get Used to Different
Author: James Merritt
Text: Matthew 5:17-20
1. In the 9th century the Anglo-Saxon King Alfred the Great did something that no king had ever done before him. He reformed the law of his kingdom and assembled a law code which he grounded on biblical commandments. He declared that this law had to be applied to all persons, rich or poor, friends or enemies, without favor. Even though he didn't say it the principle became clear that no one is above the law. The American Bar Association defines the rule of law this way:
The rule of law is a set of principles, or ideals, for ensuring an orderly and just society... Everyone is treated equally under the law, everyone is held accountable to the same laws, there are clear and fair processes for enforcing laws, there's an independent judiciary, and human rights are guaranteed for all.
2. So to put it succinctly, the rule of law is a political ideal that all citizens and institutions within a country, state or community are accountable to the same laws, including lawmakers and leaders.
3. There is a problem with all laws and it is a problem that we all have with some laws - sometimes and some places where we don't like the law or we don't like to obey it. A great example is the speed limit. You may be one of those goody, goody, two shoes that never breaks a speed limit. I'm frankly one of those sinners that break it every day. I confess I purposely break it with that wonderful invention called cruise control. We are somehow born with this stubborn streak that we don't like even a law telling us what we can or cannot do.
4. I heard a story about a man that got pulled over one day as he was coming home from work for not wearing his seat belt. The policeman said, "Look buddy, I'm going to just give you a warning this time, but you've got to put your seat belt on." The next day at the same time, same place, this man was not wearing a ...
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