Title: Under The Influence (10)
Series: Get Used to Different
Author: James Merritt
Text: Matthew 5:13-16
1. It is absolutely the buzz phrase of this generation. It is used millions of times a day. It generates almost 1.5 billion hits on Google and it has completely changed the game in the way we market products, the way we talk to each other, and the way we share our various life experiences. The phrase that I'm talking about - I can just say two words and you'll figure it out Facebook and Twitter. The phrase is "social media."
2. They believe that the phrase was first used in 1994. The URL socialmedia.com first appeared in 1999. Almost 30 years ago, it was just a two word term. Today it is a phenomenon .
3. According to the most recent statistics the projected number of global social media users this year will be 4.89 billion and in four more years it will go to 5.85 billion. But not only is social media a big thing, but the bigger thing is to be an influencer in social media.
4. You can make bank and I mean big bank by being an influencer in social media. An influencer in social media is a person who's built a reputation because of their knowledge and expertise on some topic and whether it's through blogging, or youtubing, or podcasting, or just social posting, you can generate large followings of enthusiastic, engaged people for every word. You can become a marketer of certain products and brands and almost become rich overnight because an influencer has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of other people because of his or her perceived authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their following.
5. Suffice to say much of the world every day is under the influence of social media and there's something we can learn from this development that actually goes right to the heart of something that Jesus said in the greatest sermon ever preached - the Sermon on the Mount.
6. We are in a series that we' ...
Series: Get Used to Different
Author: James Merritt
Text: Matthew 5:13-16
1. It is absolutely the buzz phrase of this generation. It is used millions of times a day. It generates almost 1.5 billion hits on Google and it has completely changed the game in the way we market products, the way we talk to each other, and the way we share our various life experiences. The phrase that I'm talking about - I can just say two words and you'll figure it out Facebook and Twitter. The phrase is "social media."
2. They believe that the phrase was first used in 1994. The URL socialmedia.com first appeared in 1999. Almost 30 years ago, it was just a two word term. Today it is a phenomenon .
3. According to the most recent statistics the projected number of global social media users this year will be 4.89 billion and in four more years it will go to 5.85 billion. But not only is social media a big thing, but the bigger thing is to be an influencer in social media.
4. You can make bank and I mean big bank by being an influencer in social media. An influencer in social media is a person who's built a reputation because of their knowledge and expertise on some topic and whether it's through blogging, or youtubing, or podcasting, or just social posting, you can generate large followings of enthusiastic, engaged people for every word. You can become a marketer of certain products and brands and almost become rich overnight because an influencer has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of other people because of his or her perceived authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their following.
5. Suffice to say much of the world every day is under the influence of social media and there's something we can learn from this development that actually goes right to the heart of something that Jesus said in the greatest sermon ever preached - the Sermon on the Mount.
6. We are in a series that we' ...
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