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by James Merritt

Scripture: Matthew 5:11-12
This content is part of a series.

Title: No Fine Print-Part 2 (9)
Series: Get Used to Different
Author: James Merritt
Text: Matthew 5:11-12


1. [Jody - show a picture of Christians being taken to be beheaded by ISIS - about 15 seconds]

In February of 2015 the world was stunned when a video was released beginning with this picture. You see these black clad Islamic terrorists gripping a line of 21, in these bright orange jumpsuits, being taken to their death. In the video there was a caption that was calling these captives, "The people of the cross..." and that's exactly what they were.

2. On this cloudy, warm winter morning each man kneeled before a hooded terrorist as each one of their executioners gripped a shoulder with one hand and clutched a knife with the other. In seconds, they would be beheaded.

3. But the video shows that every victim was calm. No outburst. No cries. No Fear. In fact, just before the beheadings in the video you hear very loudly a number of them crying out these last words, "Ya Rabbi Yasou" - "My Lord Jesus." They had been given a chance to convert to Islam, but they refused it.

4. Now let me state the obvious. That's really foreign to those of us who live in America. We go to the beach to soak up the sun and not be sacrificed for the Savior. We don't have to worry about being kidnapped from our homes or from our workplace and paraded in front of the world to either deny our faith or die for it. But that does not mean that we should not suffer or will not suffer some form of persecution ourselves if we choose to be different.

5. We are in a series we're calling "Get Used to Different" from the Sermon on the Mount because that's what you have to get use to if you really indeed intend to practice what Jesus preached.

6. Now if you heard the last sermon you know I've already spoken about persecution and you may ask why I am doing it again? Because this is the only one of the beatitudes that Jesus actually repeats in a different ...

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