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by James Merritt

Scripture: Matthew 5:6
This content is part of a series.

Title: A Healthy Appetite (4)
Series: Get Used to Different
Author: James Merritt
Text: Matthew 5:6


1. I want to begin by asking you one of the most powerful, informative questions you will ever be asked. It may shock you. Here it is - "How is your appetite?" Immediately, you have to be thinking, "That's not a spiritual question. That is a physical question." It is actually both. Let me explain.

2. One of the signs of good health is an appetite. There are two kinds of appetites. There is a healthy appetite. One of God's gifts to us is a good appetite. We quite often and should thank God for our food, but do you ever thank God for an appetite? When you are feeling hungry that indicates your stomach and pancreas are producing hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes that are important to break down the foods you consume and absorb vitamins, proteins, fats and minerals that you need to live and to function. If you have ever had a rumbling in your stomach, feeling faint, and a strong urge to eat those are signs of a good appetite. That indicates that your gastric juices are being stimulated to get you ready to eat the food that you need to live.

3. There is another kind of appetite and I call that a "harmful" appetite. It is when you are hungry, but you are eating too much or you are eating the wrong things. If you eat too much that can lead to obesity. More than 2 in 5 adults have obesity including severe obesity and if you are severely obese you have a 29% greater risk of dying than those who are at normal weight and that is about 10% of our population.

4. When you have a harmful appetite is when you have an appetite for the wrong things. We are a nation afflicted with harmful appetite. There is a buffet of illicit drugs, alcohol, and opioids and people are lined up at the buffet table.

- As of 2020, over 37 million people 12 and older are using illicit drugs

- 25.4% of all users of illicit drugs suffer from drug dependenc ...

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