Title: I Surrender All (3)
Series: Get Used to Different
Author: James Merritt
Text: Matthew 5:5
1. If you know anything about the historical figure named Jesus, there is one thing about him you simply cannot deny. It is one of the very first things that people noticed about him the first time they met him and that is he was different. He was different from anyone before him or after him. He was different in the things that he said. He was different in the truth that he taught. He was different in the way that he thought. He was different in the life that he lived.
2. We are in a series we are calling "Get Used To Different" and are studying the Sermon on the Mount which is the most famous sermon ever preached. You can see just how different Jesus was in his thinking and so much of what Jesus says we ought to be and do is frankly counterintuitive and today countercultural.
3. Let me give you some examples. Jesus said,
- "If you want to be first you must be last.
- "If you want to get you must give."
- "If you want to live you must die."
- "If you want to find you must lose."
- "If you want to be strong, you must be weak.
- "If you want to go up, you must go down."
- "If you want to lead you must serve."
4. In Matthew, chapter five refer to booklet we come to another one of those seemingly strange, contradictory, weird things that Jesus said.
"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." (Matthew 5:5, NIV)
Now that certainly goes against the grain of dictators, generals, CEOs or the seemingly "I know how to run your life" politicians you find in Washington or the financial gurus on Wall Street or the entertainment elite in Hollywood boardrooms. The world says, "Blessed are those with money. Blessed are those with muscles. Blessed are those with might. Blessed are those with missiles." They are the ones that get the earth, but Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit t ...
Series: Get Used to Different
Author: James Merritt
Text: Matthew 5:5
1. If you know anything about the historical figure named Jesus, there is one thing about him you simply cannot deny. It is one of the very first things that people noticed about him the first time they met him and that is he was different. He was different from anyone before him or after him. He was different in the things that he said. He was different in the truth that he taught. He was different in the way that he thought. He was different in the life that he lived.
2. We are in a series we are calling "Get Used To Different" and are studying the Sermon on the Mount which is the most famous sermon ever preached. You can see just how different Jesus was in his thinking and so much of what Jesus says we ought to be and do is frankly counterintuitive and today countercultural.
3. Let me give you some examples. Jesus said,
- "If you want to be first you must be last.
- "If you want to get you must give."
- "If you want to live you must die."
- "If you want to find you must lose."
- "If you want to be strong, you must be weak.
- "If you want to go up, you must go down."
- "If you want to lead you must serve."
4. In Matthew, chapter five refer to booklet we come to another one of those seemingly strange, contradictory, weird things that Jesus said.
"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." (Matthew 5:5, NIV)
Now that certainly goes against the grain of dictators, generals, CEOs or the seemingly "I know how to run your life" politicians you find in Washington or the financial gurus on Wall Street or the entertainment elite in Hollywood boardrooms. The world says, "Blessed are those with money. Blessed are those with muscles. Blessed are those with might. Blessed are those with missiles." They are the ones that get the earth, but Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit t ...
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