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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: James 4:7-11

Title: Personal Revival
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: James 4:7-11

(VIDEO - The Wedding) - This is an old depiction that I am always pierced by. The bride and the groom, on arguably, the happiest day of their life and it goes upside down. The problem is that each one has his/her own vision of what their relationship will be like. The groom totally commits himself and the bride, well, she wants a break. There is not one woman (nor man) who would accept this bride's proposal for their relationship, and you shouldn't. You did catch the question from the bride? "What's the problem? What more could you possibly want from me?" Now let's be honest, most of us smiled, snickered, or laughed at this question. Why? Because we know better.

Now, let's bring this scenario into our spiritual lives. The groom has already demonstrated His unending and undying commitment to His bride by dying on the cross. His bride is made up of people who, because of His death, have sins forgiven and are made right with God. He didn't die because it was the easy thing to do, He died because it was the only thing He could do. He didn't die because it was an easy way to demonstrate His love, and He didn't die so His people and His bride would life a life of comfort, convenience, and ease, but gave His life to clean up His bride and make her ready for the divine wedding. He said, "YES" or "I WILL" and it cost Him greatly.

When we this symbolism and embrace this truth, we know that Our Lord (Groom) expects the same commitment from us as we do from our spouse. Can I allow that just to sink in a little bit? This thing of being right with God is not a 'hit-and-miss' deal, it's not a part-time action, and it's not an on-and-off relationship. It's not a 90-%, 95%, or 99%. We don't get to write our own vows with new and less commitment. He calls us to, expects from us, and requires from us total commitment. To fall away is to need Personal Revival.

Our text gives us a tangible way to have per ...

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