Title: King David-Part 2
Series: Against all Odds
Author: Brian Mills
Text: I Sam 13-15
We are in a series called AGAINST ALL ODDS as we look into the life of David.
Have you ever had a moment that just did not make sense.
I believe this year God is going to do things in and through each of us that many would have called impossible.
People might say...not through them.
Maybe through someone else, some other church, or out of another city but not through them.
I truly believe God wants to use you AGAINST ALL ODDS in 2025 in ways you might never imagine.
You might say ME - yeah right preacher -
I am a nobody
I have a past that will keep me from being used
My anxiety will not allow me to be used
I don't even know enough to be used like that
David would have said the same even after being Anointed to be King.
I truly believe God is going to use each of YOU AGAINST ALL ODDS?in 2025 in a unique way.
[let all the below come on the back screen one at a time but leave them all up together]
God can use you
God can change you
God can develop you
God can take you and do with you what no one would ever believe could be done.
And that is the story of DAVID.
Last week we looked at Saul.
Saul has a bad case of Partial obedience which we know Partial obedience is still disobedience.
He made his own sacrifices in the Temple instead of waiting on the Prophet Samuel.
He then did not do as he was told to the Amalekites.
Matter of Fact when Samual came back to Saul at the end of this battle he said to him...
I Samuel 15:22-23
[NIV] 22 But Samuel replied:
"Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices
as much as in obeying the Lord?
To obey is better than sacrifice,
and to heed is better than the fat of rams.
23 For rebellion is like the sin of ...
Series: Against all Odds
Author: Brian Mills
Text: I Sam 13-15
We are in a series called AGAINST ALL ODDS as we look into the life of David.
Have you ever had a moment that just did not make sense.
I believe this year God is going to do things in and through each of us that many would have called impossible.
People might say...not through them.
Maybe through someone else, some other church, or out of another city but not through them.
I truly believe God wants to use you AGAINST ALL ODDS in 2025 in ways you might never imagine.
You might say ME - yeah right preacher -
I am a nobody
I have a past that will keep me from being used
My anxiety will not allow me to be used
I don't even know enough to be used like that
David would have said the same even after being Anointed to be King.
I truly believe God is going to use each of YOU AGAINST ALL ODDS?in 2025 in a unique way.
[let all the below come on the back screen one at a time but leave them all up together]
God can use you
God can change you
God can develop you
God can take you and do with you what no one would ever believe could be done.
And that is the story of DAVID.
Last week we looked at Saul.
Saul has a bad case of Partial obedience which we know Partial obedience is still disobedience.
He made his own sacrifices in the Temple instead of waiting on the Prophet Samuel.
He then did not do as he was told to the Amalekites.
Matter of Fact when Samual came back to Saul at the end of this battle he said to him...
I Samuel 15:22-23
[NIV] 22 But Samuel replied:
"Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices
as much as in obeying the Lord?
To obey is better than sacrifice,
and to heed is better than the fat of rams.
23 For rebellion is like the sin of ...
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