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by James Merritt

Scripture: Romans 13:1-7

Title: God and the Government (2)
Series: Political Correctness
Author: James Merritt
Text: Romans 13:1-7


1. We are in the last part of a two-part series that we're entitling "Political Correctness" and though it really isn't about politics per se, I know that you just mentioned the word in church and you can instantly divide the house in a heartbeat. But even though as you will see, we're not really talking about politics per se. I did think it would be good to lighten the mood a little bit and bring a little humor to what could spark a forest fire or an argument in an instant. Enjoy these political jokes.

2. The opposite of "pro" is "con". So the opposite of progress must be...congress

Q: What's the difference between death and taxes?
A: Congress doesn't meet every year to make death worse.

Q: How are politicians like diapers?
A: They both need to be changed regularly and for the same reason.

Q: Why doesn't the government display a nativity scene every Christmas?
A: They can't find 3 wise men.

Q: What's the most unfair thing about American politics?
A: We get 50 choices for Miss America, but only two for the President of America.

Q: You know how they say, "Nobody can fix the economy, nobody can be trusted in foreign policy, nobody knows how to get things done, nobody's perfect?"
A: "That's why I'm voting for nobody."

Also, the word "politics" comes from "poly" meaning "many" and "tics" meaning "blood sucking parasites."

3. As we've been teaching about the relationship of Christians to politics, I said last week that there really are two parts to this topic. One is "How should followers of Jesus relate to our political leaders in government?" Last week we basically said our major responsibility is to pray for leaders in all political positions. You can vote for who you choose, but regardless of who wins, whenever someone is put in political office, we automatically are commanded to pray for them.


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