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by Tim Melton

Scripture: 1 John 4:8, Romans 3:23

Title: Generosity (6)
Series: A Pathway to Generosity
Author: Tim Melton
Text: 1 John 4:8, Romans 6:23

If one is looking for one verse that sums up the entire Bible they would likely think of John 3:16.

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

"For God."

Who is God? We find the answer in scripture in the names that He gives Himself. the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.

He is the Almighty One, the Creator, the Lord, Yahweh, the Living God. He is Abba, Father. The God who sees. The One who provides. The Lord who heals. The Lord who makes holy. The Lord our peace. The Lord our righteousness. Our Shepherd. The Most High. The Everlasting God. He is the breath of life. Our High Priest. The Lion of Judah. Our Law-giver. He's the Lord our Savior. Our strength and shield. Our refuge. Our Mighty Stronghold. The Keeper of Promises.

Exodus 34:6-7 states, ""The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness." "God is love." (1 John 4:8)

He always has been and always will be. He is the sovereign king of the Universe.

"So loved the world."

Have you ever had something that was out of reach? No matter what you did you could not take hold of it. Maybe it was getting a job that would give your family financial security, or living in a different country with more opportunities, or being married or having a child, or being free from a chronic illness or escaping an addictive behavior. It did not matter what you did, the goal continued to be out of reach.

God belongs to this category as well. He is out of reach. Our sin had separated us from God and there was nothing that we can do to bridge the void (Isaiah 59:2). Scripture, time-and-again, reminds us of the hopelessness of the world. We are strangers, foreigners, lost, blind, enemies of God, wicked, like Adam and Eve, barred ...

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