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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Psalms 51:7

Title: Whiter Than Snow
Author: Jordan Easley
Text: Psalm 51:7

As I woke up this morning... I did the same thing you did... I looked out my window and saw how EVERYTHING was covered in beautiful, white, snow. And that's the way it works, right? When snow falls, it doesn't discriminate between barren fields or bustling cities-when it snows, EVERYTHING is covered in white.

When you think about it... that's exactly how the grace of God works. The Bible says the reason Jesus came to the earth, was to save sinners... [Luke 19:10] says, 10 For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost." Who does that include? All of us. Every single one of us were lost and without hope... and yet the Bible says-because of God's grace, we too can be saved. [Rom. 10:13] says, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Jesus came to meet us at our point of need... and he came so that our lives could be transformed.

But you know what? That transformation we desire... isn't something we can achieve on our own. It's only by the grace of God and the redemptive power of Jesus' sacrifice that any of us can be forgiven and made clean.

In (Psalm 51:7) the Psalmist said, "Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow."

Snow is a perfect reminder of God's power to transform. It doesn't discriminate... it covers the imperfections of the ground... and it leaves behind a beautiful landscape of pure white. That's why many times throughout Scripture; the Lord uses snow as a metaphor for the cleansing and renewing work of God's grace.

Today, I want to encourage you to lean in for just a few minutes... because I want us all to understand what it means, and how it's even possible... for people like us to be made "whiter than snow."

I put together a little acronym from that word, SNOW... and I want to encourage you to write it down today...

S: Sin Must Be Acknowledged

(Psalm 51:3) "For I am conscious of ...

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