Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:14-26
This content is part of a series.
Title: What Matters Most (4)
Series: Endure
Author: Jonathan McLeod
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:14-26
Second Timothy is a letter written by the apostle Paul to a young man named Timothy. At the time of this letter's writing, Paul is a prisoner in Rome, and he expects to be executed any day.
Timothy, meanwhile, is in the city of Ephesus. Paul had left him there to rid the church in Ephesus of false teaching ... not an easy task.
So what's 2 Timothy all about? The theme of 2 Timothy is endurance. Paul encourages Timothy to endure when life and ministry get difficult.
We also need endurance.
Last week we saw that Paul wants Timothy to be "a good soldier of Christ Jesus" (2:3). Being a good soldier of Christ Jesus isn't easy. A good soldier of Christ Jesus (1) needs to depend on the Holy Spirit for strength, (2) desires to please his/her commanding officer (i.e., Jesus), and (3) sees his/her service as worthwhile.
Is This for All of Us?
This passage is more applicable for someone like Timothy. A person like Timothy is in a special sense the "Lord's servant" (v. 24). But there's also a sense in which every Christian is a servant of the Lord
Can the rest of us get anything out of these verses? I believe so.
There's actually a lot in this passage that's applicable for every Christian.
What Matters Most?
There are two phrases in this passage that I want to focus on.
- "rightly handling the word of truth" (v. 15)
- "correcting his opponents with gentleness" (v. 25)
In those two phrases I see two implications about what should matter most to Christians. If you were to write a list of ...
What matters most matters most. Obviously ... but sometimes what matters most doesn't matter most to us.
What should matter most to us?
The first thing that should matter most to us is truth. Truth matters.
[Read vv. 14-15.]
In verse 14 Paul tells Timothy what to "charge them" not to do. "T ...
Series: Endure
Author: Jonathan McLeod
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:14-26
Second Timothy is a letter written by the apostle Paul to a young man named Timothy. At the time of this letter's writing, Paul is a prisoner in Rome, and he expects to be executed any day.
Timothy, meanwhile, is in the city of Ephesus. Paul had left him there to rid the church in Ephesus of false teaching ... not an easy task.
So what's 2 Timothy all about? The theme of 2 Timothy is endurance. Paul encourages Timothy to endure when life and ministry get difficult.
We also need endurance.
Last week we saw that Paul wants Timothy to be "a good soldier of Christ Jesus" (2:3). Being a good soldier of Christ Jesus isn't easy. A good soldier of Christ Jesus (1) needs to depend on the Holy Spirit for strength, (2) desires to please his/her commanding officer (i.e., Jesus), and (3) sees his/her service as worthwhile.
Is This for All of Us?
This passage is more applicable for someone like Timothy. A person like Timothy is in a special sense the "Lord's servant" (v. 24). But there's also a sense in which every Christian is a servant of the Lord
Can the rest of us get anything out of these verses? I believe so.
There's actually a lot in this passage that's applicable for every Christian.
What Matters Most?
There are two phrases in this passage that I want to focus on.
- "rightly handling the word of truth" (v. 15)
- "correcting his opponents with gentleness" (v. 25)
In those two phrases I see two implications about what should matter most to Christians. If you were to write a list of ...
What matters most matters most. Obviously ... but sometimes what matters most doesn't matter most to us.
What should matter most to us?
The first thing that should matter most to us is truth. Truth matters.
[Read vv. 14-15.]
In verse 14 Paul tells Timothy what to "charge them" not to do. "T ...
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