Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1-13
This content is part of a series.
Title: A Good Soldier of Christ Jesus (3)
Series: Endure
Author: Jonathan McLeod
Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-13
Second Timothy is a letter written by the apostle Paul to a young man named Timothy. At the time of this letter's writing, Paul is in prison, and he expects to be executed any day.
Timothy is in Ephesus. Paul had left him there to rid the church in Ephesus of false teaching. It wasn't an easy task. He also knows that he too could end up imprisoned like Paul.
The theme of 2 Timothy is endurance. Paul encourages Timothy to endure when life and ministry get difficult.
Last Sunday we saw in chapter 1 that Timothy needed courage to endure. Where does this courage come from? It comes from the Holy Spirit who lives within us. The Holy Spirit will give us the courage we need when we need it.
A Good Soldier
What makes a soldier a "good" soldier? In other words, what are the qualities of a good soldier?
Obviously, a soldier and a soldier of Christ Jesus are two very different things. Paul didn't expect Timothy to act like a literal soldier. He wasn't supposed to carry a sword and shield, etc.
Was it just Timothy who needed to be a good soldier of Christ Jesus? No, I believe we all need to be good soldiers of Christ Jesus.
What are the qualities of a good soldier of Christ Jesus?
Three Qualities of a Good Soldier of Christ Jesus
Let me share with you three qualities of a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
1. A good soldier of Christ Jesus gains strength through dependence on the Holy Spirit.
[Read v. 1.]
"You" (v. 1) = Timothy
"Be strengthened" (passive)
E.g., throwing a snowball (active), being hit by a snowball (passive)
How? "By the grace that is in Christ Jesus"
Timothy needs to be strengthened by God's "grace" (not saving grace)
2 Cor. 12:9
[Read v. 2.]
Timothy's task - v. 2
Series: Endure
Author: Jonathan McLeod
Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-13
Second Timothy is a letter written by the apostle Paul to a young man named Timothy. At the time of this letter's writing, Paul is in prison, and he expects to be executed any day.
Timothy is in Ephesus. Paul had left him there to rid the church in Ephesus of false teaching. It wasn't an easy task. He also knows that he too could end up imprisoned like Paul.
The theme of 2 Timothy is endurance. Paul encourages Timothy to endure when life and ministry get difficult.
Last Sunday we saw in chapter 1 that Timothy needed courage to endure. Where does this courage come from? It comes from the Holy Spirit who lives within us. The Holy Spirit will give us the courage we need when we need it.
A Good Soldier
What makes a soldier a "good" soldier? In other words, what are the qualities of a good soldier?
Obviously, a soldier and a soldier of Christ Jesus are two very different things. Paul didn't expect Timothy to act like a literal soldier. He wasn't supposed to carry a sword and shield, etc.
Was it just Timothy who needed to be a good soldier of Christ Jesus? No, I believe we all need to be good soldiers of Christ Jesus.
What are the qualities of a good soldier of Christ Jesus?
Three Qualities of a Good Soldier of Christ Jesus
Let me share with you three qualities of a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
1. A good soldier of Christ Jesus gains strength through dependence on the Holy Spirit.
[Read v. 1.]
"You" (v. 1) = Timothy
"Be strengthened" (passive)
E.g., throwing a snowball (active), being hit by a snowball (passive)
How? "By the grace that is in Christ Jesus"
Timothy needs to be strengthened by God's "grace" (not saving grace)
2 Cor. 12:9
[Read v. 2.]
Timothy's task - v. 2
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