Scripture: Matthew 25:1-46, Luke 19:1-48
This content is part of a series.
How to Build Wealth God's Way
Learn to be an Investor
Matthew 25; Luke 19
Dr. Ernest L. Easley
We're thinking these days under the heading, "Building Wealth God's Way." It may come as a surprise to you, but God is not against prosperity, in fact, he's not only for prosperity, but he's the one who gives it! We read in Deuteronomy 8.18, "but remember that the LORD your God gives you the power the gain wealth ..." and then he tells why, "... in order to confirm his covenant he swore to your fathers, as it is today."
Listen to the first part of that verse again, "... the LORD your God gives you the power to gain wealth ..." Prosperity is not a sin, but rather, it's a blessing form God and as we're going to find, he blesses us with it, to be a blessing to others.
Over the last few weeks, we've been discovering some "wealth devourers" that rob us from building wealth. And as we've seen, it's not that these devourers force their way into our lives, we invite them in and give them access to our money. You say, "Ernest, why would I invite wealth devourers into my life if they are going to prevent me from building wealth?" That's a good question. I don't know. Why do you?
To rid our lives of these monsters, we must start by identify and recognizing them for what they are. Then having identified them, determine to either embrace them or exclude them. Some of them need embracing while others of them need excluding.
For example, the first one we identified in this series was having God as our partner. Building wealth becomes possible with God as our partner. This is one we need to embrace. We can do more with 9/10's of our income with God as our partner than we can with 10/10's of our income without him.
The second one involved developing the art of saving. That's another one to embrace. It's hard to build wealth when we're dispersing our income to everyone except ourselves. Pay yourself!
Then last week we learned that building a strong marriage is anothe ...
Learn to be an Investor
Matthew 25; Luke 19
Dr. Ernest L. Easley
We're thinking these days under the heading, "Building Wealth God's Way." It may come as a surprise to you, but God is not against prosperity, in fact, he's not only for prosperity, but he's the one who gives it! We read in Deuteronomy 8.18, "but remember that the LORD your God gives you the power the gain wealth ..." and then he tells why, "... in order to confirm his covenant he swore to your fathers, as it is today."
Listen to the first part of that verse again, "... the LORD your God gives you the power to gain wealth ..." Prosperity is not a sin, but rather, it's a blessing form God and as we're going to find, he blesses us with it, to be a blessing to others.
Over the last few weeks, we've been discovering some "wealth devourers" that rob us from building wealth. And as we've seen, it's not that these devourers force their way into our lives, we invite them in and give them access to our money. You say, "Ernest, why would I invite wealth devourers into my life if they are going to prevent me from building wealth?" That's a good question. I don't know. Why do you?
To rid our lives of these monsters, we must start by identify and recognizing them for what they are. Then having identified them, determine to either embrace them or exclude them. Some of them need embracing while others of them need excluding.
For example, the first one we identified in this series was having God as our partner. Building wealth becomes possible with God as our partner. This is one we need to embrace. We can do more with 9/10's of our income with God as our partner than we can with 10/10's of our income without him.
The second one involved developing the art of saving. That's another one to embrace. It's hard to build wealth when we're dispersing our income to everyone except ourselves. Pay yourself!
Then last week we learned that building a strong marriage is anothe ...
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