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by Ernest Easley

Scripture: 1 Kings 21:1-29, Acts 5:1-42
This content is part of a series.

How to Build Wealth God's Way
Build a Strong Marriage
1 Kings 21; Acts 5
Dr. Ernest L. Easley

We're learning these days from the word of God how to build wealth God's way. You may have never considered the Bible God's manual for building wealth, but it is. The Bible is a book of principles, and we're discovering these days God's principles for wealth building.

Now I can hear someone saying, "But Ernest, building wealth sounds so unspiritual? After all, we're saved children of God. Building wealth sounds extremely worldly and not spiritual." What if I told you that building wealth is spiritual? It's not only biblical but also spiritual. Why else would Jesus reference your money so many times throughout the New Testament? Jesus spoke about money in the Bible in many ways, including in parables and in His preaching.

In Parables. Jesus taught about money in 11 out of the 39 parables. For example, the parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl, He compared the kingdom of God to riches.

In Preaching. Jesus spoke about money roughly 15% of His preaching.

When it comes to building wealth, we often end up shooting ourselves in the foot. You may remember a few weeks ago from Malachi 3:11, God declares, "'I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not ruin the produce of your land and your vine in your field will not fail to produce fruit,' says the LORD of Armies."

God tells us that He is in the rebuking business when it comes to those things that rob us from building wealth. He always holds up His end of the bargain as our partner. But while God is rebuking our wealth devourers, we're opening the windows and doors of our lives, allowing them in! While He's rebuking them, we're waving them in and saying, "Come on in! Make yourself at home!"

Don't be fooled; they are not coming into our lives as friends but as foes. They are wealth devourers whose appetites are only satisfied by your hard-earned money. And the sad thing is, the only way the ...

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