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by Ernest Easley

Scripture: Proverbs 6:6-8
This content is part of a series.

How to Build Wealth God's Way
Develop the Art of Saving Money
Proverbs 6:6-8
Dr. Ernest L. Easley

Now with our Bibles opened to Solomon's book of wisdom, and of course that would be the book of Proverbs, turn with me to chapter 6 as we continue our series of messages under the heading:

How to Build Wealth God's Way.

Last week we discovered God wants to partner with us when it comes to building wealth. Frankly, building wealth God's way isn't possible without having God as our partner. And that partnership is built on truth, on trust, and on the tithe. When we stop robbing God of His tithe, we experience His blessing and stop living under a curse. For there is a blessing when we give it and a curse when we steal it.

Everything we're going to be talking about over the next few weeks hinges on His partnership with us. If we're not willing to make God our financial partner, building wealth His way is off the table. Always remember: God blesses obedience, never disobedience.

Now having made God our partner, I want to talk to you today about Developing the Art of Saving Money. Research on the average savings account balance in America, dated August 26, 2024, shows the median transaction account balance is $8,000. This includes checking, savings, and other accounts. That means when you add up the money found in the average American checking account, savings account, and other accounts, they total $8,000.

In that same research, 54% of Americans can cover three months of expenses with savings. Here's another shocking statistic: 49% of Americans could cover less than one month's expenses if they lost their income. According to, more than one in four Americans (28%) have savings below $1,000.

Nothing gets out of hand quicker these days than money. It's so difficult to save money when your neighbor keeps buying things you can't afford! Someone once said, "The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat."

People ar ...

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