Title: The Doxology (7)
Series: The Book of Jude
Author: Collin Wimberly
Text: Jude 24-25
CIT - God is worthy of our praise.
ILLUS: The author of this text was a bold, outspoken 17th century Anglican bishop named Thomas Ken. Ken's illustrious career in the ministry was stormy and colorful. He served for a time as the English chaplain at the royal court in the Hague, Holland. He was so outspoken, however, in denouncing the corrupt lives of those in authority at the Dutch capital that he was compelled to leave after a short stay.
Upon his return to England, he was appointed by King Charles II to be one of his chaplains. Ken continued to reveal the same spirit of boldness in rebuking the moral sins of his dissolute English monarch. Despite this, Charles always admired his courageous chaplain, calling him "the good little man." The king rewarded Thomas Ken by appointing him to the bishopric of the Bath and Wales area. The historian Macaulay gave this tribute to Bishop Ken: "He came as near to the ideal of Christian perfection as human weakness permits."
His doxology has been called the most frequently sung words of any known song.
Jude gives us his doxology. In these final two verses.
Now to Him - God is the central subject of these verses
Who is able - Able is dunomai - power, ability, capability. We drive the Word dynamite from this Greek word.
God is omnipotent - all power is His.
God is able to come to our aid when we are tempted - Heb. 2:18
He is able to sympathize with our weaknesses - Heb. 4:15
He is able to save us from death - Heb. 5:7
He is able to build you up - Acts 20:32
He is able to establish you - Romans 16:25
He is able to make all grace abound to you, so that you may have an abundance for every good work - 2 Cor. 9:8
He is able to do more than we can ask or imagine - Eph. 3:20
Jude readers might be tempted to think that there was no ...
Series: The Book of Jude
Author: Collin Wimberly
Text: Jude 24-25
CIT - God is worthy of our praise.
ILLUS: The author of this text was a bold, outspoken 17th century Anglican bishop named Thomas Ken. Ken's illustrious career in the ministry was stormy and colorful. He served for a time as the English chaplain at the royal court in the Hague, Holland. He was so outspoken, however, in denouncing the corrupt lives of those in authority at the Dutch capital that he was compelled to leave after a short stay.
Upon his return to England, he was appointed by King Charles II to be one of his chaplains. Ken continued to reveal the same spirit of boldness in rebuking the moral sins of his dissolute English monarch. Despite this, Charles always admired his courageous chaplain, calling him "the good little man." The king rewarded Thomas Ken by appointing him to the bishopric of the Bath and Wales area. The historian Macaulay gave this tribute to Bishop Ken: "He came as near to the ideal of Christian perfection as human weakness permits."
His doxology has been called the most frequently sung words of any known song.
Jude gives us his doxology. In these final two verses.
Now to Him - God is the central subject of these verses
Who is able - Able is dunomai - power, ability, capability. We drive the Word dynamite from this Greek word.
God is omnipotent - all power is His.
God is able to come to our aid when we are tempted - Heb. 2:18
He is able to sympathize with our weaknesses - Heb. 4:15
He is able to save us from death - Heb. 5:7
He is able to build you up - Acts 20:32
He is able to establish you - Romans 16:25
He is able to make all grace abound to you, so that you may have an abundance for every good work - 2 Cor. 9:8
He is able to do more than we can ask or imagine - Eph. 3:20
Jude readers might be tempted to think that there was no ...
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